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The 152nd day of the Ukrainian war. Latest information [papildināts 18:00]

Text live broadcast – short and concise about the most important thing in the Russian Ukraine war on July 25. Ukraine has been heroically defending its land against the aggressor’s invasion for five months.

18:00. Ukraine received the first Gepard anti-aircraft tanks from Germany, Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Resnikov announced on Monday. “The first three cheetahs have officially arrived today,” the minister said on Ukrainian television. Several thousand units of ammunition were also delivered. According to the agreement reached in May with the German Minister of Defense Kristini Lambrecht, 12 more such tanks will be delivered. This second batch of heavy weapons from Germany. In June, the German government delivered 40 self-propelled howitzers that can engage targets at a distance of 40 kilometers.

16.51. Fighters of Sicheslav DSHV 25th Separate Airborne Brigade shot down another Russian Ka-52 helicopter, its cost is more than 16 million US dollars.

16.23. Ukraine hopes that the export of grain by sea will be able to start this week, Deputy Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine Yury Vaskov said on Monday. “We believe that in the next few days we will be ready to work on the restoration of the export of agricultural products from our ports. We are talking about the port of Chornomorsk, it will be the first. Then there will be the port of Odesa and the port of South,” Vaskov said at the briefing on Monday.

15.47. On July 25, the Air Force Command announced that two enemy unmanned aerial vehicles were detected in the northwest direction, which crossed the airspace of Ukraine from the side of Belarus and carried out aerial reconnaissance of objects in the Volyn region, the “Pravda.com.ua” portal reports.

15.02. Ukraine will hand over the responsibilities of hosting the 2023 Eurovision Song Contest to Great Britain, the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) announced on Monday.

13.22. The Prime Minister of Moldova, Natalia Gavrilica, has expressed concern about the possible Russian invasion of Moldova, reports pravda.com.ua.

12.41. On the night of July 24-25, Russian forces shelled the city of Chuhuiv. According to the head of the military administration of Kharkiv region, Russian forces attacked civilian targets – a school and a community house. Several civilians were trapped in one of the buildings under the ruins. Rescuers rescued three people from the debris, the portal pravda.com.ua reported.

11.59. The Ukrainian hryvnia will be withdrawn from circulation in the Russian-occupied Kherson region. The Russian ruble will be used in the region to make payments, the portal pravda.com.ua reports, referring to the report of the Russian state-owned news agency “TASS”.

10.26. The loss of Russian troops in Ukraine has reached approximately 39,700 soldiers by Monday morning, according to the General Staff of the Ukrainian Army.

Since the start of the re-invasion on February 24, Russia has lost 1,730 tanks, 3,950 armored personnel carriers, 876 cannons, 257 multiple-barreled rocket launchers, 116 anti-aircraft artillery systems, 222 aircraft, 188 helicopters, 719 drones, 174 cruise missiles, 2,832 vehicles and 15 tankers. and 73 units of specialized equipment.

10.07. On the night of July 23 to 24, Ukrainian armed forces attacked a hotel in the city of Krasnilyuch, killing 100 Russian soldiers, media pravda.com.ua reports.

09.25. Russian commanders have spat for the lives of soldiers who died in the war in Ukraine, said Jānis Sārts, head of NATO’s Strategic Communication Center of Excellence, in an interview on the Latvian Television program “Morning Panorama”.

Genuine peace talks between Ukraine and Russia are unlikely and hardly a realistic scenario. What might happen in negotiations is determined on the battlefield. In Sart’s view, in the near future Russia might want to freeze the existing front line, waiting for a Ukrainian counterattack to achieve its own.

08.29. Both sides – Ukraine and Russia – are ready to prolong the hostilities in Ukraine, Mārtiņš Vargulis, researcher of the Latvian Foreign Policy Institute (LĀI), admitted in the TV3 program “900 seconds”.

He believes that the war is now in the early or middle stages. “It just looks like both sides are ready and want to prolong this until the goals that were set are not achieved,” admitted the representative of LAI, stressing that this desire is particularly felt on the part of Russia.

08.14. The head of the military administration of the city of Slovyansk believes that it will not be possible to start the heating season when the cold weather comes, the portal pravda.com.ua reports. “Here you have to seriously think about how to survive, because there will not actually be a heating season.”

He emphasizes that the residents of Sloviansk should evacuate, as Russian troops are still trying to capture the city. About 22,000 people remain in Sloviansk.

07.06. Russian President Vladimir Putin is waging war not only against Ukraine, but also against European unity, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier announced on Sunday.

“We must not allow ourselves to be divided, we must not allow the great work for a united Europe that we have so promisingly begun to be destroyed,” Steinmeier said in a speech during a visit to the western German city of Paderborn.

00.10. The head of the military administration of the Ukrainian city of Slavyansk, Vadim Lakh, warns that the townspeople should prepare for a cold winter. He believes that when the cold weather comes, it will not be possible to start the heating season due to hostilities.

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