Home » today » Business » The 12 special categories for early retirement – Who have the right to exit up to seven before the age of 62 – 2024-02-16 22:45:30

The 12 special categories for early retirement – Who have the right to exit up to seven before the age of 62 – 2024-02-16 22:45:30

90,000-100,000 are estimated to be insured with the right to exit up to seven years before turning 62

The truth is that there are not many insured people left with a vested or established right to pension after the rolling increase in retirement age limits introduced in August 2015. Nevertheless, the number of those who are estimated to be able to exit working life with pension is not negligible. It is estimated that around 90,000-100,000 insured persons have a relevant vested right or a vested right that matures within 2024. All of them can exit up to seven years before reaching the age of 62. These are special categories of insured persons who have mastered the foundation of the pension right since the transition period 2015-21 (law 4336/2015).

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These approximately 100,000 insured persons on the verge of early retirement are divided into the following categories:

01 35 years (10,500 days of insurance) in the public sector with registration of the number of insignia (25 years) in 2010

In order to have the right to retire, a civil servant must have completed 10,500 days of insurance by 31.12.2021 (including the redemption of fictitious years of child or military service) and the age of 58. Precisely because rolling increases in the retirement age have been in effect since 2015 (transitional period), this category, depending on the case, is sufficient to acquire the right to early retirement until the age of 61 years and 6 months in 2024. In particular, if a civil servant completed 7,500 days of insurance in 2011 (entitlement with 25 years) and within 2021 managed to complete, even with the purchase of fictitious years, all 36 years (10,800 days of insurance), establishes a right.

02 36 years (10,800 days of insurance) in the public sector with registration of the number of insignia in 2011.

This is the rolling increase imposed in 2010 (law 3863/2010). They are exactly the same conditions as the previous category, with the only difference that on 31.12.2021, 10,800 insurance days (36 years old) should have been completed and not 10,500.

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03 The 37th year (11,100 days of insurance) in the public sector with registration of the number of insignias in 2011

Here comes the unlimited retirement age upon completion of 11,100 days of insurance (provided that in 2010 the age of 25 or 7,500 days of insurance was completed), with the only difference that the age of 37 must have been completed even with the purchase of notional years (only military or children ) until 31.12.2021.

04 The reduced pension of public servants

In this category there are several subcategories. As a general rule, those who wish to leave the civil service early with a reduced pension must have completed 7,500 days of insurance (25 years) by 31.12.2022. Depending on the subcategory they belong to, they must have reached the corresponding age limit by 31.12.2022.

In more detail:

Female civil servants, if they have completed 7,500 days of insurance (25 years) in 2010, acquire a basic pension right upon reaching (before 31.12.2022) the age of 55.
Public employees (women and men) if they have completed 7,500 days of insurance (25 years) in 2011, acquire a basic right to retirement upon reaching (before 31.12.2022) the age of 56.
Public employees (women and men) if they have completed 7,500 days of insurance (25 years) in 2012, acquire a basic right to retirement upon reaching (before 31.12.2022) the age of 57.
If the age limit of the first three cases is reached after 1.1.2023, then the right to a reduced and early pension is established upon reaching the age of 62.

05 With heavy work in the private sector and full pension at 62

If someone has 3,600 days of insurance (12 years) in heavy duty and has completed a total of 4,500 days of insurance, then he retires at the age of 62 with a full pension.

06 The burdens on OTAs

This is a special category of workers who have joined the heavy labor force (BAE), hold permanent employment in the public sector while serving in local government organizations (OTA). The conditions for early retirement in this category are to have completed 3,600 days of insurance (12 years) in the BAE of OTAs until 31.12.2012 (the retirement age remains at 58). On the other hand, for those who complete 3,600 days of insurance (12 years) after 1.1.2013, the retirement age is increased to 60 years.

07 The heavyweights in the private sector (formerly IKA) with 7,500 days of insurance (25 years)

This is the only early retirement window before reaching the age limit of 62 for the private sector. In order to establish the right to early retirement, the insured must have 7,500 days of heavy insurance and a total of 10,500 days of insurance (35 years). In this case, the right to apply for a reduced pension is established upon reaching the age of 60 and the corresponding right for a full one at the age of 62 (instead of the general age limit of 67).

08 EFKA of employees (former IKA) with 3,600 heavy marks (12 years)

In this category there is no possibility of escape before the age of 62. However, she is considered premature because she escapes the general limit of 67 years and a full pension is given upon reaching 62 years of age. Of course, the 3,600 days of insurance is not enough for the heavy ones, but the 4,500 days of insurance (15 years) should have been completed in total (even with fictitious ones).

09 Private sector workers with 3,600 heavy stamps (12 years)

In this category, the condition of retirement with 4,500 days of insurance (15 years) applies, of which 3,600 days of insurance in heavy. However, different age limits apply depending on the vesting year:

If the 4,500 days of insurance (the 3,600 in barra) were completed in 2010, the right to pension (full pension) is acquired upon reaching the age of 55.
If the 4,500 days of insurance (the 3,600 in barra) were completed in 2011, the right to pension (full pension) is acquired upon reaching the age of 56.
If the 4,500 days of insurance (the 3,600 in heavy) were completed in 2012, the right to pension (full pension) is acquired upon reaching the age of 57.
If the 4,500 insurance days (the 3,600 in heavy) have been completed after 2013, the right to pension (full pension) is acquired upon reaching the age of 62.

10 Parents of minors in public, TEN, banks with 7,500 days of insurance (25 years)

In this huge category of early pensions, the right to retire occurs depending on the year of foundation at 50, 52 or 55 and the requirements of Law 4336/2015 which extended the retirement age limits. In more detail:
Mothers of minors who had completed 7,500 days of insurance in 2010 (25 years) and during the same period their child was a minor secured the right if they turned 50 by 31.12.2016. This case establishes the right to retire in 2024 due to the requirements of Law 4336/2015.
Parents who had completed 7,500 days of insurance in 2011 (25 years) and during the same period their child was a minor secured the right if they turned 52 by 31.12.2016. This case establishes the right to retire in 2024 due to the requirements of Law 4336/2015.
Parents who had completed 7,500 days of insurance in 2012 (25 years) and during the same period their child was a minor secured the right if they turned 55 by 31.12.2018. This case establishes the right to retire in 2024 due to the requirements of Law 4336/2015.

11 The parents of three children who serve or work in the public sector, DEKO, banks with 6,000 days of insurance (20 years)

Apart from the reduction from 7,500 to 6,000 days of insurance, the same conditions apply as for the above category and the following sub-categorization:
Mothers of minors with three or more children, if they had completed 6,000 days of insurance in 2010 (20 years), can leave within 2024, as the right is exercised without an age limit in accordance with the provisions of Law 4336/2015.
Parents of three children or more who had completed 6,000 days of insurance in 2011 (20 years) and during the same period their child was a minor, secured the right if they turned 52 by 31.12.2016.
Parents of three children or more who had completed 6,000 days of insurance in 2012 (20 years) and during the same period their child was a minor, secured the right if they turned 55 by 31.12.2018.
For both previous cases, they establish the right to retire in 2024 due to the requirements of Law 4336/2015.

12 Mothers of a minor child with 5,500 days of insurance (18.3 years)

In addition to completing 5,500 days of insurance (18.3 years), the conditions of the two subcategories above apply:
Mothers of minors who had completed 5,500 days of insurance in 2010 (18.3 years) and during the same period their child was a minor, were entitled to a reduced pension if they turned 50 by 31.12.2016.
Mothers of minors who had completed 5,500 insurance days (18.3 years) in 2011 and during the same period their child was a minor secured the right to a reduced pension if they turned 52 by 31.12.2017.
Mothers of minors who had completed 5,500 days of insurance in 2012 (18.3 years) and during the same period their child was a minor secured the right to a reduced pension if they turned 55 by 31.12.2018.
In all three cases, they establish the right to retire in 2024 due to the requirements of Law 4336/2015.

The heavy duty insurance filter
What should not distract the attention of the insured in relation to retirement with heavy marks is the requirement to have 1,000 heavy marks (3.3 years or 82.5 months) in the last 17 years before submitting the pension application.

Establishment and vesting of a pension right

The terms “establishment” and “vesting” are often confused and create confusion among policyholders. Therefore, definitions have value.
When we mention that an insured person establishes a right, we mean that he has fulfilled the two retirement conditions, which are on the one hand the amount of insurance days and on the other hand the age limit (where and as provided by the provisions). When someone establishes a right, it is not lost and he can make use of his right at any time without being affected by possible adverse reforms.
On the contrary, when we say that an insured person reserves a right, we mean that he has the possibility of leaving work under the conditions that apply at the time he fulfills the two retirement conditions. Either he has the required retirement days, in which case the right to retire is vested at the age limit and with the working days set for the specific year, or the age, in which case the right to retire is vested with the age limit set for the specific

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