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The 100% Local Challenge rewards North Shore institutions

Three North Shore institutions won $ 500 for their participation in the 100% Local Challenge. One of them will give the money to the graduates of 6e year of Flemming school in Sept-Îles.

One of the owners of the winning company Altech Sept-Îles, Stéphane Bergeron, will donate this amount. Flemming students also took part in the Challenge.

The two other winning institutions are Tshishteshinu and Grain de soleil Côte-Nord school. The latter has also been named the favorite throughout Quebec.

The 100% Local Challenge saw a notable increase in participation in the province compared to 2020. 5,986 people embarked on the adventure, which represents an increase of 15%. The 7eThis edition of the Challenge, which took place last September, was therefore a record year.

The event aims to encourage consumers to discover and support local biofood companies. It is an initiative of the Regroupement des Tables de concertation bioalimentaire du Québec (TCBQ).

Four north-coastal ambassadors represented the region within the framework of this event. There was Yan Tremblay from Pêcheries Uapan, Élisabeth Chevalier for Arsenal media, Randy Jones for the Lower North Shore and Alex Beaudin for the Minganie.

TCBQ member organizations organized communications activities and campaigns. They provided entertainment and created tools for consumers. The Table bioalimentaire Côte-Nord notably took part in the Challenge. All of these actions have affected more than 1,200,000 people across Quebec.

61% of participants felt they had reached or exceeded their goals and 98% of them were optimistic about maintaining local buying habits in the long term. The Challenge allowed 70% of participants to discover new places or new methods of supply.

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