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The 10 most common pregnancy symptoms in the very early periods

For women, the delay of the period often triggers doubts, and in some cases even worries. Among these doubts is the one related to a possible pregnancy even if all the necessary precautions have been taken. So, here are the 10 most common early pregnancy symptoms. For those who doubt that they are pregnant. And also for those who already know they are pregnant because they took the test.

Here are the 10 most common pregnancy symptoms in the very early periods

Absence of menstruation: the absence of a period is clearly the first clue that leads to think that the pregnancy may already be in progress.

Nausea: also the sense of nausea is one of the most common symptoms in the very first periods of pregnancy. And it is related to the production of the hormone hCG.

Lower belly tension: with pregnancy the woman’s body changes. With the tension in the lower abdomen that pregnant women feel due to the growth of the uterus.

The sense of hunger: pregnancy brings appetite. But also to a change in food tastes. With the tendency to prefer foods that, before the interesting state, it was perhaps usual to include rarely in the diet.

Abdominal heaviness: already from the first months of pregnancy the woman can feel not only a continuous sensation of swelling. But also constipation.

Increased body temperature: in pregnancy the body temperature in women is some line of thermometer highest. Generally on the edge of 37 degrees centigrade. But the rise in basal temperature is not only normal. But it can also be an important indicator for those who are not yet sure they are pregnant.

The need to urinateGoing to the bathroom more often than normal is likewise one of the telltale symptoms of early pregnancy.

Discomfort with strong odors: in pregnant women a strong sensitivity and often discomfort towards strong odors develops. From fried foods to coffee, and through cooked fish and for those who perhaps have clothes impregnated with cigarette smoke.

Breast tension: in pregnant women the breasts tend to become turgid often experiencing also irritability and even pain in the nipples.

State of sleepiness: pregnant women often experience a sense of tiredness and sleepiness which is completely normal in the first months of pregnancy. As blood pressure can tend to drop a little.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings in this regard, which can be consulted who”)

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