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The 10 foods with the lowest glycemic index

These foods do not increase blood sugar and promote satiety.

The glycemic index (GI) is the sweetness of a food. The higher it is, the more food causes a rise in blood sugar, that is, the level of blood sugar when consumed. The body then produces a high dose of insulin, which leads to the storage of sugars in the form of fat and causes a feeling of hunger.

GI ranges from 0 to 100, with 100 being the highest value indexed on a reference food: pure glucose. IG is said to be high when it is over 60.

In contrast, low GI foods promote satiety and limit the rise in blood sugar. They are therefore included in a varied and balanced diet, to limit cravings, weight control and are also recommended for people suffering from diabetes or prediabetes. But what are these low GI foods?

Green vegetables

Cabbage, broccoli, spinach, leeks, green beans. Green vegetables have a fairly low glycemic index, around 15, except for green beans whose GI increases to 30.


Avocado has a low GI, around 10. It is also a good source of fatty acids beneficial for cardiovascular health and many vitamins.

Oily fruits

Almonds, walnuts, pistachios or pine seeds: their GI is about 15 or 20.

But beware: these oilseeds are very high in calories and should therefore be eaten in moderation. A small amount is enough!


Foods in the legume family, which include lentils, peas, chickpeas or even white, red or black beans, have a moderate GI of between 30 and 40.

Whole grains

Whole grains have a GI of less than 45, unlike refined grains and flours, which have a high GI. This is especially true for wholemeal bread, with a relatively low GI (about 35), as opposed to white bread whose GI is about 70.


Even white rice has a fairly low glycemic index, around 58. Brown rice has a GI of 50. Beware, however, of the so-called “fast-cooking” rice, whose structure has been changed and which has a Very high GI, around 85.

Wholemeal pasta

Whole or semi-whole pasta has a moderate GI, around 50. And if they are cooked al dente, their GI will not exceed 40.


All fruits contain sugar, fructose, so their GI is not among the lowest.
Red fruits (blackcurrants, strawberries, blackberries, cherries, raspberries, blueberries, currants) still have a fairly low GI, between 15 and 30. Apple and pears are higher, almost 40. Watermelon has an GI in around 70.

Simple muesli

The IG of the simple muesli oscillates around 50: that’s why it is consumed in the morning.

Meat and fish

Like eggs and seafood, they contain very few carbohydrates. Therefore, their IG is almost nil! But be careful how you cook them.

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