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The 10 biggest Oscar scandals: Beyonce’s breast peeked out, kisses on stage or Smith’s slap

This year we will be celebrating the 95th anniversary of the Academy Awards. Even such a prestigious ceremony has not avoided many scandals during its nearly century-long existence. The wrong names of the winners, the refusal of the award, protest agitations, creators on drugs and inappropriate kisses – none of this was missed by the Oscars. In the editorial office of eXtra.cz, we have prepared for you a ranking of the ten craziest moments of the Oscars.

The moderator got the name of the winner wrong – 1934

The 6th year of the Academy Awards, the year 1934, brought with it a rather decent embarrassment. Among the Best Director nominees were two directors named Frank. Host Will Rogers didn’t realize this when announcing: “I’ve been watching this young man for a long time. I’ve seen him rise from the bottom. It couldn’t have happened to a nicer person. Come get it, Frank!” it was listened to by Frank Capra nominated for the film Underworld in a tailcoat, who got up and walked to the stage. However, the award was for his colleague Frank Lloyd, the director of Cavalcade. Capra then had to sneak back through the crowd to his seat amid shouts from other guests that he was spoiling their view. “I wish I could crawl under the carpet like a miserable worm,” he later wrote in his autobiography. It can be a consolation for him that he took away the first statuette the year after and the other two in 1937 and 1939.

Marlon Brando turned down the award – 1973

Although the ceremony has been ignored by some actors and creators more than once during the awards, the the most famous rejection of the Oscar happened in 1973, when he did not accept the award actor Marlon Brandowho won it for portraying the lead role in The Godfather movie. The eccentric artist sent for himself to protest against the treatment of Native Americans a Native American activist who called herself Sacheen Littlefeather, who turned down the award and gave a speech on the issue. She managed to deliver a minute of the prepared fifteen-minute speech and was subsequently “expelled” from the stage to the accompaniment of disapproving boos and insults.

Angelina Jolie Kissed Her Brother – 2000

Before the Brad Pitt era, before she became a mother of six, she used to be actress Angelina Jolie pretty dragon. She caused a minor stir when accepting the Oscar in 2000 for Best Supporting Actress in the film Disruption, when
she declared in her acceptance speech: “I’m in love with my brother!” and then kissed him rather passionately. After some time, it turned out that the pair spent a painful day together in the hospital, where she was with her mother Marcheline Bertrand, who was diagnosed with ovarian cancer.

Matt Stone and Trey Parker in women’s clothes on LSD – 2000

The same year also saw an iconic situation with South Park creator duo Matt Stone and Trey Parker nominated for the song
Blame Canada from the movie South Park: Hell on Earth. These prominent personalities of the American counterculture, who made no secret of the fact that they despise things like the Oscars in principle, came dressed in women’s clothes. Specifically, the pranksters took the gowns that they had already successfully brought out before them Jennifer Lopez a Gwyneth Paltrow. However, it could have been even funnier. Among the considered costumes were, for example, obscure ducks, but the creators did not want to give the organizers a reason to accuse them of disrespect for the ceremony and throw them out. That’s why they decided to follow the dress code and chose those elegant gowns. To all sorts of questions from journalists about their dresses, they answered in unison: “It’s really a magical evening!” as the magazine describes Far Out. They later admitted that they were on LSD, which wore off around mid-evening and they had to top it off sober, which wasn’t so pleasant.

Björk laid an egg in a swan dress – 2001

In 2001, she was nominated i singer Björk for a song I’ve Seen It All from the movie Dance in the Darkness. She didn’t turn it into a win, but she made a splash even before the start of the ceremony, when dressed in an extravagant swan dress on the red carpet, she laid an egg. The robe was made of white feathers, the lower part was dominated by a wide short skirt, into which even 6 of those ostrich eggs could fit, and the upper part was made up of a long swan’s neck that wrapped around hers, at the end of which was a swan’s head including an orange beak. As she admitted twenty years later and the magazine described in the “swan dress” story PageSixshe was recording an album at the time In the eveningin which she poses in the same dress, and has a lifelong fascination with swans.

Adrien Brody Kissed Halle Berry – 2003

In 2003, he received an Oscar statuette actor Adrien Brody for his performance in the award-winning film The Pianist. He was so excited about his win that he was right on stage
he kissed passionately transferor presenter Halle Berry. As they both confirmed, it wasn’t planned at all. Halle Berry later commented on the kiss on the show Watch What
Happen with Andy Cohen
. When asked what the kiss was like, she replied: “I have no idea, I was so focused on the question ‘What the hell is going on?’ that I didn’t notice anything else at all.”

Beyonce’s nipple peeking out – 2009

The 81st year was hosted by showman Hugh Jackman, who conceived the entire evening in the style of musicals, which were really popular that year. She seconded him in one spectacular six-minute cabaret number singer Beyoncéwho got so involved in the performance that she bent over and showed her entire nipple right under Jackman’s nose. It happens so fast on video that it’s almost imperceptible, but the photos capture the moment well.

Sacha Baron Cohen with the urn of Kim Jong-il – 2012

In 2012, he performed performer a herec Sacha Baron Cohen on the Oscar red carpet as one of his iconic characters, Admiral General Aladeen z the Dictator movie. Shortly before that, the North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il had died, and he took advantage of this and, accompanied by his female bodyguard, dumped an urn with Kim’s dust directly on the carpet. “I’m very happy to be here and have the opportunity to bring my friend and tennis partner Kim Jong-il here. It was his dream to be sprayed on the red carpet and Halle Berry’s chest at the Oscars.” uttered then, whereupon despite the intervention of real security, he opened the urn, the contents of which unfortunately ended up on presenter Ryan Seacrest’s expensive Burberry suit. Although the organizers were worried about this and at first threatened to withdraw his invitation if he was going to put on any inappropriate performances, they changed their minds after he posted a “threatening video” of Admiral General Aladeen.

“On behalf of the Wadyi people, I am beyond anger that I have been denied access to the Oscars by the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and the Zionists. While I admire the Academy for its decision to suppress my freedom of speech, I warn you that if I do not get tickets by 12 noon on Sunday, you will face dire consequences ” it stood in it.

In the end, the organizers accommodated him so much that they even offered him his own dressing room, where he will be able to get cultured before the actual ceremony to take his place next to his colleagues from the movie Hugo and his big discovery. So it was not true that he was escorted out by security, as was often reported and it might seem, but he should have gone to change clothes. However, he ditched it and instead went to the Vanity Fair party at the nearby Tower Hotel.

La La Land best film instead of Moonlight – 2017

In 2012, it briefly became the best picture of the year movie La La Land instead of the truly award-winning drama Moonlight. However, the fault this time was not the presenters Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty, but the production, which gave them the cover from the previous entry, in which Emma Stone was announced as the best actress for her role in La La Land.

Will Smith slapped Chris Rock – 2022

The drama did not miss even the last 94th year of the Academy Awards. A real scandal was caused there by the once-likable actor Will Smith, who slapped the host of the evening, Chris Rock, who made a joke about his wife, Jada Pinkett Smith. Because of her bald head, he compared her to Demi Moore when she starred in GI Jane and added that Pinkett Smith is clear for the role in the second part. However, it turns out that her haircut is not completely voluntary and she is shaved due to alopecia, from which she suffers. Her husband did not leave it without a response and in the live broadcast got up and went to slap Rock, after which he shouted at him from the spot: “Don’t take my wife’s name in your dirty mouth!”

The event did not go without a response, and actor Will Smith is now banned from the Oscars for ten years. Even before that, after delivering a fatal blow on the same stage, he managed to win the Oscar for the best actor performance in the film King Richard: The Birth of a Champion.

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