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That’s why promiscuous relationships could seriously jeopardize the health of men and women

Infections transmitted through unprotected intercourse, also known as STI, they represent, today, one of the major causes of infertility. The spread of these infections is closely linked to promiscuity, that is, the tendency to have relationships with multiple partners. To understand the extent of this phenomenon, just consider some statistical data.

In particular, it was found that, every day, more than 1 million infections of the aforementioned type are contracted. Each year, there are about 376 million new infections, of which 1 in 4 transmitted through unprotected intercourse. It is also estimated that more than 500 million people have a genital herpes virus (HSV) infection. In addition, about 290 million women have a papillomavirus (HPV) infection. In short, these are truly impressive data, many of which come to light even after a long time, even years. Here, then, is why promiscuous relationships could seriously endanger the health of men and women.

The types of communicable diseases

At this point, it is good to clear the field of misunderstandings, clarifying which ones illnesses they can be contracted in these cases. STIs can occur due to:

1) bacteria, as in the case of gonorrhea, syphilis and chlamydia;

2) viruses, such as: human papillomavirus, genital herpes, HIV, hepatitis A, B and C;

3) protozoa, such as trichomoniasis;

4) mushrooms as in the case of Candida Albicans.

The real problem with these infections is that most of them have no symptoms or these are mild. In addition, some of them, such as HSV (Herpes Simplex Virus), expose you to a greater risk of contracting HIV.

In addition, the fact that they are sometimes asymptomatic favors their transmission to healthy individuals, with a serious impact on fertility. In fact, some cases, the syphilis contracted by the woman and never diagnosed, caused problems during pregnancy or at the time of childbirth. In this regard, there are percentages of stillborn children and neonatal deaths.

That’s why promiscuous relationships could seriously jeopardize the health of men and women

To counter these phenomena, more information should be provided, indicating the adoption of responsible behavior. Consider that the most popular means of transmission are reports. However, it can also occur through blood (transfusions, transplants, contact with wounds, tattoos, etc.). In addition, some STIs are transmitted through simple saliva. Against this background, since many of these infections have no symptoms during their course, the only effective strategy is prevention.

Therefore, to reduce the risk of contagion it is necessary to resort to the use of condoms and to carry out the vaccinations available today. One of them, which can be carried out in the 12th year of age, is that for the Papillomavirus (HPV). In this way, deaths related to the cancer of the cervix. In men, however, the formation of warts and the development of tumors of the anorectal and pharyngeal region are prevented. Another vaccine available is that for hepatitis B and A.


In any case, the most effective tool to prevent the transmission of such diseases, however, remains the condom. Its correct use, in fact, limits the transmission of the infection through organic liquids. Furthermore, it reduces the risk of contracting genital herpes, syphilis, soft ulcer and HPV, even by simple contact.


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(The information in this article is for information purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the advice of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings given. WHO”)—

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