Home » today » Health » That’s why Lauterbach is procuring millions of new corona vaccine doses

That’s why Lauterbach is procuring millions of new corona vaccine doses

– Lauterbach: “Corona remains a threat to older people” –

Poverty in old age is a much greater threat to older people.

– “Fewer people have died in Germany than in most of our neighboring countries,” he noted….

Again, it’s typical to make this unproven claim without any reference! Per 100,000 inhabitants? Per month?

In 2023, we were ranked first in death rates:

Karl should make his statement more specific. He probably can’t or doesn’t want to.

Like Mr Söder, who said during the P(l)andemic:
“Death toll is as high as if a plane crashed every day” (25.11.2020)

What kind of plane? Cesna two-seater? Airbus? Where does it crash? Over a small town? Cemetery?

On average, 2,740 people die every day in Germany and 800-900 in care facilities alone. That’s several planes, not just one.

At the same time, people are being manipulated by adding up the “corona deaths” over the years and arbitrarily counting them, even if they were run over by a bus when they tested positive at the test center.

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