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That was behind the brown drinking water in Castrop-Rauxel

“Do not drink water or use it for cooking in Castrop Rauxel. Gelsen water has a problem and the water is brown! ”This or something similar was the message. But what was it really? We research the topic and clarify what we know about it and which questions are still open.

What does Gelsenwasser say about brown tap water?

First, the water supply company confirmed parts of the content of the warning that was circulating on WhatsApp: Yes, there was contamination of the drinking water in parts of Castrop-Rauxels on Friday morning.

What’s behind it?

After the first statements by a spokeswoman around 10:30 a.m., a new pipe system had been built. However, deposits would have settled in the new pipes, which would now have loosened during commissioning. But they are not harmful, so Gelsenwasser. Gelsenwasser employees have been on duty since 6 a.m. to flush the pipes. In the course of the morning, the problem should have been resolved.

Is it safe to drink the water?

Yes, says Gelsenwasser. In any case, you can continue to drink the water or use it for cooking. The problem only affects households in Castrop-Rauxel, even if Gelsenwasser takes care of the drinking water supply for the entire region.

Where exactly did the pollution occur?

That’s open. Both the location of the new pipes with the deposits and the households, urban areas or districts are still unknown. The WhatsApp first appeared on a Ickernerin, but she noticed nothing of the contaminated water itself.

It remains to be seen whether the contaminated water will be examined more closely in the laboratory. It is also unclear whether this is even possible, because it has long since passed through the drains into the sewer system and has mixed with other service water there. Anyone who has caught a water sample of it can gladly make it available to the editors.

The question of whether there are any consequences from this incident is also open. Have mistakes been made or is it likely that such an incident cannot be avoided at all when pipelines are replaced?

We keep researching and trying to find answers.

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