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That is why wood prices have exploded | NDR.de – guide

As of May 31, 2021 7:07 p.m.

Wood, steel, insulation material – building materials are scarce and are becoming more and more expensive. This is not only due to the ongoing construction boom. Consumers now need staying power.

by Julia Wacket

Germany is in the construction boom – regardless of whether it is handicrafts or house building. Wood is an important building material. And that causes problems: Because the demand for wood has exploded since the Corona crisis – this is also reflected in the prices. In May 2020, 2.4 cubic meters of lumber was still costing $ 250 on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. In May 2021, the price rose to $ 1,500. An increase of 500 percent within a year.

The reasons for the wood price boom are abroad

Experts know that the reasons for the price explosion are mainly due to foreign countries. “The economic recovery in the world has come much faster than expected. In the USA, in China, but also in Europe, construction activity is very strong. We have dramatic shortages of wood, especially in the USA, ”says raw materials expert Hans-Jürgen-Gern from the Kiel Institute for the World Economy.

The USA in particular is now buying a lot more in Europe. In addition, other wood suppliers such as Russia or Canada have issued an export ban or export less due to a beetle infestation. German wood is therefore even more in demand. According to the Federal Statistical Office, exports of raw wood from Germany increased by 43 percent in 2020 compared to 2019 to around 12.7 million cubic meters. In a long-term comparison, the amount of raw wood exported has more than tripled since 2015.

Alternatives to building with wood

For those who build, there are currently alternatives to wood as a material. There are the following options:

  • Clay is a sustainable wall building material that is easy to dismantle and process. It is free of pollutants and has a positive effect on the living environment because it stores heat and moisture. Loam is recyclable, massive loam walls also have a high heat storage capacity and a high ability to absorb air humidity, which has a positive effect on the indoor climate.
  • Natural stones are mainly used as flooring in the house and garden. The natural stone granite is particularly popular because it is scratch-resistant and frost-resistant. Slate is a regional building material that is well suited for roofing. It is easy to process by hand, defies the weather and is recyclable.
  • Kalamitätsholz – Wood that is marked by environmental influences or the bark beetle is not an inferior raw material, but has almost identical properties to conventional construction wood. Beetle wood processed into sawn timber is guaranteed beetle-free through production processes. The use of local calamity wood also supports regional added value and helps regional forest owners.
  • If wood is becoming more and more expensive, they are also suitable Metalssuch as steel and aluminum, for example in carport construction. Both materials are weatherproof and durable. Occasional cleaning with water is sufficient for maintenance. In addition, both metals are stable. Another plus: carports made of aluminum are particularly light and can be individually designed with appropriate coatings. However, a metal carport is not inexpensive.

No relaxation in sight with the wood prices

Anyone who does not want to do without wood as a building material definitely needs patience in the coming months. Experts do not expect the situation to ease before autumn. “We are dealing with a global economic upswing. The demand for raw materials and building materials will probably be very high for a long time to come, ”says raw material expert Gern.

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Market | 05/31/2021 | 8:15 pm

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