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That is why grape seeds are healthy

Many people prefer to eat grapes without seeds. But it is better for your health to buy grapes with seeds. Why is that?

who Grapes wants to eat often uses the seedless varieties. “Seedless” is then on the package that Grapes can be enjoyed without annoying seeds. But that’s not as healthy as Grape seeds to eat with. The kernels are pretty healthy.

Grape seeds healthy: grape seeds must be chewed

Nutritionist Heidrun Schubert of the Bavarian Consumer Center recommends blue Grapes with seeds. Because the dark ones Grapes contain more antioxidant substances. The phytochemicals contained in the kernels are also germicidal and anti-inflammatory. However, if you want to use this, you should bite the kernels – because gastric acid cannot remove the substances alone. (dpa / tmn / sh)

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Picture: Marc Müller (dpa)

Editor’s note: This article is a contribution from our online archive.

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