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“That cool guy with a jihadist beard”

The fall of criticism towards Isco Alarcón after his controversial “I like” a tweet against the “Cayetanos” has been important. The Real Madrid player got into a puddle when he decided to ‘like’ that publication by rapper Rayden, and one of those who has carried the Malaga player hard has been Alfonso Ussía.

The writer, also through Twitter, has asked Real Madrid directly to kick Isco for his slip on social networks and has referred to the player in a very contemptuous fool. «This guy, big and weird, with a jihadist beard and a billionaire by the grace of Florentino Pérez, he does not deserve to continue at Real Madrid ».

Everything comes from Isco’s ‘like’ to a publication that showed a T-shirt with the acronym ACAB and in which the English legend was read below: «All Cayetanos are Bastards»(« All Cayetanos are bastards »). Beneath it appeared a pair of golf clubs, taken as a symbol of the protests against the social-communist government of Sánchez and Iglesias that started on Calle Núñez de Balboa until it spread throughout Spain.

There have been numerous criticisms of the Real Madrid player, this being Alfonso Ussía one of the harshest for the adjectives with which he refers to the footballer, who since he began his romantic relationship with Sara Sálamo has taken a radical turn in which refers to his ideals and is now closer to the radical left, as these episodes demonstrate, which on the other hand do not like anything in the dome of the Santiago Bernabéu.

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