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Thanksgiving in the land of Saint Joseph Allamano

Castelnuovo don Bosco land of saints.

The town located on top of a hill in the northernmost part of the province of Asti is celebrating today: flags of all nations cross its perched streets; Handkerchiefs with the image of the new saint hang from the windows and balconies; The primary school children have hung their drawings in the street and represent a completely original José Allamano. Gathered in the school yard they sing a welcome song for the pilgrims who have arrived for the occasion.

By Marco Bello *

In the church of Saint Andrew, where the saint celebrated his first mass in 1873, at the age of 22, preparations are in full swing. On the outside, two panels: the one on the left of the entrance represents Saint Joseph Allamano and the one on the right the four saints of the city: Saint Joseph Cafasso, Saint John Bosco, Saint Dominic Savio, and the protagonist of the festival today. The young mayor of Castelnuovo, Umberto Musso, said at the end of the mass, in Italian and English: “We have a world record, we are the only municipality that has given birth to four saints!”

Pilgrims gather in the square and slowly climb the hill. A volunteer with a yellow pectoral explains, in French, to a group of Congolese, some historical aspects of the small municipality. In the same way, there are others who accompany Mozambicans, Ivorians and Colombians to church, all speaking to them in different languages: French, English and Spanish.

At ten o’clock the church is already packed to capacity and some benches have been placed outside to remedy the lack of space. Half an hour later the celebration begins punctually.

After the music of the Colle Don Bosco choir that accompanies the celebrants to the altar, Father Gianni Treglia, superior of the European Region, takes the floor and introduces the celebration in several languages ​​and says: «Today we express our gratitude for this man, son from Castelnuovo and I want to remember these words of his: ‘I brought with me the agricultural world and life among these hills, a community of relationships and hopes. In the midst of my missionary sons and daughters, I always felt like family. Being family, being together, bearing witness to unity and mutual love. I had this experience inside me since I was a child, learned in my land.’

In addition to the pilgrims from various parts of the world such as Congo, Mozambique, Morocco, Ivory Coast, Colombia, Brazil, Kazakhstan and others, there are the inhabitants of Castelnuovo, who feel the new saint is one of their own. Father James Lengarin, Superior General of the Missionaries of the Consolata, ninth successor of Allamano and first of African origin, remembers this at the beginning of the homily when he says that “to give thanks to the Lord for this canonization, we are here where Joseph gave his first steps and we thank the inhabitants of this special land for their great welcome.

Then he recalled aspects of the youth of the founder of the two institutes: his spiritual growth in this Piedmont city; the missionary climate lived in the “school of Don Bosco” and his particular ability to “go beyond Turin, Piedmont, to open oneself to the most distant peoples, to the peripheries of the world”, because he understood that “salvation is for all”.

“Today’s celebration is not only ours – Father Lengarin continues – but it belongs to so many people in the world who have known the Consolata missionaries.”

Addressing a colorful audience, he adds: “We are all citizens of the world and we know that, unfortunately, millions of people suffer, experience the ravages of war, disease, hunger, the humiliation of poverty. In addition to physical conditions, many live in spiritual poverty.

Father James goes on to remember that the presence of so many people from different origins in Castelnuovo means that “the mission continues” and that “many of our sisters and brothers have also lost their lives, while they were missionaries in distant countries, and have been buried there.” ». A fertile Church is that of Piedmont, which has produced “missionaries, as well as lay men and women, who went to mission everywhere. The world was full of Piedmontese missionaries. Also today “it is important that we do not abandon openness and pray that Castelnuovo and Italy will once again be a source of good and holy missionaries, who open their hearts to the entire world.”

He ends by asking for the intercession of “Blessed Giuseppe Allamano” but stops… “Excuse me,” he says, “we are not used to it yet: of Saint Allamano!”, and a condescending chuckle arises from the audience. “We ask to have the strength and courage to live far away, even when human energies are few, and hope will be the only thing that will save us.”

After the mass and the usual photos, the pilgrims regroup by language and each group follows a volunteer carrying a colored banner: everyone peacefully invades the city, first its restaurants and then some historical places. In particular, we visit the birthplace of Saint Joseph Allamano and that of his uncle, Saint Joseph Cafasso.

Behind the morning clouds, the sun appeared and it seemed like a splendid spring day very appropriate for the festive occasion.

Around five o’clock, everyone gathered in Don Bosco Square. The time for greetings has arrived. Sister Lucía Bortolomasi, mother superior of the Missionaries of the Consolata, thanks the authorities present and then remembers a phrase by Allamano that she had just read at the exhibition inside the birth house: «In Casteluovo I met many people who have worried about my life. Sister Lucia resumes: «We want to thank you, because it has been a special day, a beautiful day. You, those of Castelnuovo, have lived the words of Allamano when he says that good must be done well. We have seen everything, every detail, done well, with the special touch of love, realizing the sanctity of the little things, in ordinary life. And he continues: «We have seen teamwork on your part. The Founder always told us: “missionaries never alone in the mission, but living together, in communion, because unity is strength.”

* Marco Bello, Missioni Consolata magazine.

The pilgrims of San Giuseppe Allamano were splendidly received by the inhabitants of Castelnuovo. The video includes the words of Mayor Umberto Musso and some images of the welcome. (Video made by Sister Stefania Raspo)

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