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Thanks to this, Rebel Wilson lost 35 kg. The actress revealed the secret of her figure

Recently, stars care much more about their health and perfect figure. One of the biggest metamorphoses in recent years was experienced by Australian actress Rebel Wilson, who lost 35 kilograms! Her method may be surprising.

Rebel Wilson she was very overweight from the beginning of her acting career. However, she quickly turned it into her advantage, thanks to which she became extremely recognizable. And this, combined with her original sense of humor, made her one of the most expressive comedy actresses in the world. A few years ago, however, she began her metamorphosis, and her goal was a better figure and, of course, health aspects.

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Rebel Wilson’s transformation. The star decided to take care of her health

After years in Hollywood and making a name for himself, Rebel Wilson decided to change her life and appearance. She became famous in 2020, not because of another film, but because of her desire to change.. She then announced that she was going to take care of her figure and lose weight, because her health was getting worse. Additionally, she wanted to get pregnant using the method in vitro, and doctors advised her to lose extra kilos. She was so determined that she ultimately lost the aforementioned 35 kilograms. Of course, she revealed how she managed to undergo such a spectacular metamorphosis.

Rebel Wilson revealed the secret of her metamorphosis

In one of the interviews, the actress decided to share her habits that led her to her current figure. Interestingly, Wilson emphasizes that she did not torture herself with brutal training or fasting. Her main activity was walkingwhich was recommended to her by one of the doctors she worked with during her transformation.

The best way to get rid of unwanted fat is to simply walk. It doesn’t have to be very intense, it doesn’t have to be uphill, just a moderate walk for an hour a day – revealed Wilson in Apple+ fitness.

This is how it was at the beginning of her journey to health and her dream figure. The actress lost weight quite quickly and felt satisfied with the results. However, later the weight loss process slowed down. Rebel Wilson began to act differently. Her diet was based on protein, the star eliminated almost all sugar. She started running up the stairs of the Sydney Opera House (and this session could last up to two and a half hours). She also participated in intense cardio training.

Wilson also admitted that after losing a lot of weight, she turned to Ozempic, a drug used by diabetics that can cause weight loss as a side effect. Although the actress admitted that she only used it for a short time, the importance of this fact in her fight for her figure cannot be ignored.

“Someone like me may have an unlimited appetite for sweets, so I think these drugs may be good,” she told the Sunday Times.

It is worth remembering that it is best to start using any medications and diets after consulting a doctor.

Today, Rebel Wilson can boast of a perfect figure© photo: Instagram

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