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“Thanks to the doctors, we called them heroes and then denigrated them, but for us they make great sacrifices” – Corriere.it

“I’m a little better, it’s not all roses but the air of home is good”: after eight days of hospitalization Iva Zanicchi she was discharged from the Vimercate hospital, where she had been hospitalized for pneumonia caused by Covid-19. «It was hard, a good fight – he tells us on the phone – it seemed that he had won the first round but I think I will win the match. It’s a bad beast because it varies: first all your joints hurt, then you get a kind of bronchitis, and a very strong cold. It changes constantly ». The presenter, born in 1940, had announced her positivity at the beginning of the month and even during hospitalization she continued to send social updates on her state of health: “The worst thing is that I got the bilateral pneumonia, I needed oxygen. In the end you feel empty, like an empty sack. I’m better, I’ll be fine and I’ll slowly recover, but don’t joke, you have to be very careful ». Once again the invitation is not to let your guard down: «It cannot be underestimated. It is a beast that exists, it circulates, it is very contagious (my whole family has infected it) whoever says that masks are not needed commits a crime against people because they do not know what they are saying. We must defend ourselves with masks, with gloves. You can go around, it is right not to close yourself at home – even if at a certain age you should stay at home – but you have to protect yourself and above all have respect for others. If you end up in hospital you see what there is: I was sick but there were those who were much worse than me ».

The message on Instagram

Just this morning on Instagram she celebrated her resignation with a video that portrays her in the company of some doctors and nurses, affectionately defined by her as “wonderful boys and girls”. We should only thank them for the work they do every day: «In the hospital in Vimercate they were loving with everyone: they made video calls, they comforted people (almost all of them wore an oxygen helmet). We said they were angels, they were heroes, then immediately after we started criticizing them: they are professionals, they work harnessed with two or three pairs of gloves, shirts, masks, and they stay like this for eight or nine hours. They can’t touch them, they can’t drink, they can’t even pee … do you realize the conditions they work in? And then there are people who criticize? They should be ashamed. ‘ There are also those who deny the situation in which hospitals find themselves in this period: «The mother of imbeciles is always pregnant. We must be very careful, not underestimate and have respect for ourselves and others. And if some idiot says that nothing is true and that the hospitals are empty, oh well, let it go. The idiots are there. They have always been there and always will be ».

November 17, 2020 (change November 17, 2020 | 16:57)


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