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Thanks to the city, but the residents are also worried about the future

Half of the residents of Amsterdam believe that the city is moving in the wrong direction, as was concluded from the Amsterdam Citizen Monitor last year. In particular, concerns are being raised about the lack of houses, road safety, waste problems, but also about the tightness of the housing market.

Half of the residents of Amsterdam say that Amsterdam is going in the wrong direction. That’s more
than in previous years. Amsterdam residents are particularly concerned about the lack of housing, but also about increasing polarization and about traffic and transportation in the city.

Older people see the latter as a problem in the city, while other age groups are more concerned about the lack of housing. The most common topics people are concerned about can be seen in this graphic:

In addition, inequality and polarization are cited as risk factors. “In practice, life in the city is often divided according to education, age, political views and – especially – religious views. Amsterdammers especially with a high income, with a higher vocational education or university education and without a migration background, connect mostly or directly with people who look like them.”

According to the report, these separate living environments “are a threat to the coexistence of the city. ” 18 percent of Amsterdam residents experience discrimination, mostly based on skin color and nationality. “We also see discrimination by the police, the national government or the city in Amsterdam. “

Furthermore, gay acceptance seems to be under pressure. 9 percent find men kissing in public offensive. And compared to previous years, fewer people think it is normal for their children to be taught by a homosexual teacher.

A tribute to the city

In addition, the majority of Amsterdam residents – more than 80 percent – live here comfortably, and three quarters feel connected to the city. “Amsterdam residents value their city,” the study says.

“Especially Amsterdammers between the ages of 25 and 40, Amsterdammers who have completed higher vocational or university education and Amsterdammers with a high income feel connected to the city and the neighborhood and the enjoy living in Amsterdam.”

25th edition

This is the 25th time that the Citizen Monitor has been published and problems and social issues have been made visible by the city. All output from the monitor you can read here.

2024-09-26 20:13:45

#city #residents #worried #future

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