What was not achieved last year was fulfilled today in the life of Bálint Scharzenbart, who won a confident victory in the Vácduka colors of the National Vágta Vácduka final. Máté Csenge from Pákozd won the competition for the small hussars. The main patron of the event, member of parliament Bence Rétvári, and László Makkos, mayor of Vácduka, both spoke highly of the day-long event.
Vácduka hosted the regional final of the National Vágta in the picturesque surroundings of the village for the fourth time. The eagerly awaited competition was enriched by high-level cultural programs, an obstacle race for beginners and advanced riders, and a spectacular hussar show.

The course, built in a beautiful natural environment, made it difficult for the horses and the competitors to compete with uphill and downhill slopes.

Starting at eight o’clock in the morning, the series of programs was opened by the steeplechase competition for beginners and advanced riders, followed by the semi-finals of the small hussars and big hussars. In the afternoon, a good number of the audience, including many families and young people, could see the fun competition of the traditionalist groups.
The series of finals was opened at five o’clock in the afternoon by the small hussars competition, in which the riders of Pákozd and Püspökhatvan fought for the final victory, which finally ended with the success of Máté Csenge of Pákozd.

Riders from four settlements – Csörög, Vácduka, Iklad and Püspökhatvan – made it to the Grand Hussars final. The excitement was heightened by the fact that the start was only made in the second start, after which Bálint Scharzenbart, Vácduka’s rider, took the lead immediately, who was chased by his father, József Scharzenbart, who was starting on behalf of Püspökhatvan, for a significant part of the 2.5-lap distance. Approaching the finish line, Csörög’s rider broke into second position, but he too could not overtake Bálint Scharzenbart, who galloped through the imaginary finish line amid the cheers of the home audience. Csörög finished in second place, the competitor of Iklad was able to take the third place on the podium, while the competitor of Püspökhatvan finished in fourth place.

– I concentrated on being able to take the lead immediately after the start, and the others will “push” from behind and I will only go as far as I need to – Bálint Scharzenbart revealed the winning tactic in a statement given to the Dunakanyar Region.
He recalled that last year he galloped in the lead with a good thirty meter lead, when he “only” finished in second place after an unfortunate stumble.

– I am very proud of my horse and my family, who support me in everything. We worked hard for the victory, we wanted to show that last year’s second place was no accident either – said the happy winner, who said that he definitely wants to reach the middle race in the final of the National Vágta in Ślívásvárad.
The winning rider’s father, József Scharzenbart, spoke emotionally about how he helped his son’s victory in the race by galloping behind him with his excellent horse for most of the distance, which had a good effect on Bálint’s performance.

Bence Rétvári, member of parliament, the main patron of the competition, spoke to our newspaper before the award ceremony, who said: We are very proud that the Dunakanyar, Vácduka, is now the traditional venue for the preliminaries of the National Vágta Pest county. The location of the competition is beautiful, many people are curious about the event.

– This also shows that we are an equestrian nation, people are interested in the hussar tradition, the national gallop. Both young and old can enjoy competitions, as they can watch the spectacular contest of pony riders, small and large hussars up close. The celebration of the village and the preservation of Hungarian traditions at the same time, which gives a lot of joy and value to the local communities – emphasized Bence Rétvári, the main patron of the event, who added that the government also ensures students get to know the hussar traditions through the Lázár Ervin Program.

After the final, the host of the event, László Makkos, mayor of Vácduka, praised with great pride the winning rider, Bálint Scharzenbart, who started in the colors of the settlement, who won the Vácduka preliminary final this year after the second place last year. According to the mayor of the village, the day-long event was very successful.

– By organizing the regional finals of the National Vágta in Vácduka, we created a tradition, a real success story, which we will continue next year as well – declared Mayor László Makkos.
Imre Vetési
Photo: KesziPress