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Thank you, this year’s Ramadan is great

JAKARTA, KOMPASA.com – Singer Delon Thamrin felt a great impact on this year’s Ramadan.

Delon who was with his wife, Aida Chandra, selling snacks felt the flood of orders.

“Blessings, because we are also selling cakes, selling nastar, yes, the main thing is snacks, heavy meals are also available,” Delon said when met in the Thamrin area, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (5/5/2021).

Also read: For the sake of survival, Delon Thamrin frozen food business and opened vocal lessons

“Aamiin, this is a blessing for me too. Thank you Ramadan, this year the orders are very extraordinary, “said Delon continued.

The owner of the birth name Stanislaus Alexander Liauw Delon Thamrin admitted that he and Aida were quite troubled by this flood of orders.

Apart from that, the singer who graduated from Indonesian Idol admitted that he was happy to be able to open a business with his own wife.

Also read: The Corona Pandemic Has Not Ended, Delon Thamrin Missed a Stage

The division of work is quite simple, apart from selling, Delon also helps market it.

“I am very happy to be able to sell in this month of Ramadan. Even though it is small, not too much, but yes, there are times when I don’t sing, there is additional income,” said Delon.

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