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Thank you President, thank you Soylu, bravo Imamoglu

Oh be … How did we miss the resolution of an issue for the good of the people through dialogue.

It is known that the horse-drawn carriage torture that hurts all of us on the islands will be replaced by electric carriages.

For this İBB I also imported 60 electric vehicles, which I did not like aesthetically, but were environmentally friendly. However, for its use Islands District Governorship he did not allow.

Ekrem Imamoglu go to Ankara to solve the problem Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu He had a long meeting with.

There was a surprise at that time. Suleyman Soylu by pointing the phone in his hand “Mr. President will speak” said.

Erdogan “It happened, this matter is resolved” The environment softened and they chatted with İmamoğlu on the phone for a few minutes.

This is the solution with the dialogue.

Thanks to all of them for not solving the problem by politicizing an issue that concerns us all, such as environmental pollution and animal suffering.

In the Friday prayer, which will be held in Hagia Sophia today, I will neither call Imamoglu nor the names of the opposition.

There are two more symbolic, much stronger names that I wonder about.

Sezai Karakoç and İsmet Özel.

He wrote articles for opening Hagia Sophia for worship, “Hagia Sophia without a mosque is a historical corpse ” Have you been invited to these two living idols of the Islamic segment? If they did, will they join?

I really wonder…

It is such an Anatolian lore that their son pain is too thin to be able to take the heart of the killer without thinking about the killer’s family.

“It ruined us and ruined our own family” empathizes The old mother of Pınar is Mrs. Chefika.

Then his father, Sadık Bey, is building the most wise sentences in the world; “They do not educate the girls in the East and Southeast. I specifically studied. Her hand holds bread, she doesn’t need her husband, she stands on her feet. Now it was Turkey that we have a duty sewing Is it the beginning of every girl? “ says.

This is the most essential stance to be taken against the low-killers and the mentality that nurtures them.

Seeing this sober, so noble-speaking parents in their saddest days “Self-confident, strong, well-educated women grow up thanks to such parents” I said.

“101 politicians, academics, writers and artists who call themselves ‘Aksaçlılar’ and come from different political views and lines addressed the government and opposition” I opened it with excitement when I saw the news that started “In different political views and lines” The claim to be was a difficult claim today. But what should I lie, after reading the statement, there was a bittersweet taste in my mouth.

Such reports contain a certain tone of nobran as if they were always coming from the same pen.

Dear Aksaçlılar, I understand your concerns, but I find the language you use when criticizing power is superior and marginalizing.

Are you not aware of the psychological effects of some stereotypes and words you use in the paper on the conservative segment? When you say, let’s criticize the government, you are removing the large segments that have been voting them for years and more than you.

mental transformation in recent years where the internal nationalistic or criticizing the ruling conservatives in Turkey on foreign policy review, you’re missing. While the AK Party adopted a more nationalist tone and established the Cumhur Alliance, it convinced its audience of new threats and ideals. Play games on Turkey states that foreigners, especially the West, that is behind the threats of foreign powers such as sincerely believe there is a serious blow to the electorate. If you think that only Islamists are happy to open Hagia Sophia for worship, you are wrong. Because national-spiritual feelings have a powerful symbolic steps such enthusiasm that meet a wide audience in Turkey. “Spreading, conquering ambitions” When you scorn with phrases like these, you are moving many people away from that opposition block you have dreamed of.

However, you know very well that the opposition cannot be successful only with the votes it will get from the left side. GOOD Party, Felicity, Deva, Future Party … The fate of the election will be determined by the votes that these parties will or may not break from the right block in front of you.

When calling the opposition, “The AKP-MHP coalition draws its strength from the mess of the opposition. Solution; it is to establish the alliance of democracy, where all opposition forces will meet the basic principles by protecting their own lines and their own assets, without delay ” You say. What you are trying to say implicitly in this sentence HDP and Nation AllianceThe parties that make up are clearly forming an alliance on paper.

If you want the HDP to be officially involved in the opposition power bloc but this does not particularly frighten the votes that will go to the right parties in the alliance, the main party you need to call is HDP, because HDP needs to show a persuasive, intimate attitude that will calm the anger of the right-wing voter.

Freedom, democracy and law and I understand your concern about hair, but I’m not blanchable also taking into account the sociological reality of Turkey, I want to make you a little advice.

if If your goal is to make a call to reach all segments of the community, get Babacan or Davutoğlu’s opinion before publishing such statements.
Or at least Mansur Yavaş ‘Send to İmamoğluI remember the style used by the election campaign …

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