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Thank you for your interest in RD.nl

Today is Sunday. A weekly day of rest, which we observe on Sunday, is a command and a gift from God. We dedicate this day above all to the service of God. Furthermore, Sunday for Christians is also a weekly echo of Easter Sunday, in which Jesus Christ rose from the dead. Reasons why we don’t update our site today.

Tomorrow we’d like to update you on daily happenings, with background, commentary and opinion pieces. As you are used to from us.

Sunday word

The law (2)

Psalm 75:2

“We praise you, O God, we praise because your name is near”.

For what is God first of all thanked in this psalm? For the great miracles that he has done? Yes, that too, but not mainly.

First of all, thanks are given for the fact that the Name of God is near. That Name that only in exceptional cases could be pronounced by the High Priest. That Name is the main reason to praise Him. His name is his being and his name is being there, a preacher once wrote.

I will be what I will be. They are what they are.
There are.

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