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TGR: Customs revenue up by double digits

Net customs revenue reached more than 68 billion dirhams (MMDH) at the end of September 2024, up 14.2% compared to the same period a year earlier, according to the General Treasury of the Kingdom (TGR).

These revenues, which come from customs duties, Value Added Tax (VAT) on imports and the Internal Consumption Tax (TIC) on energy products, take into account tax refunds, reliefs and refunds of 91 million dirhams (MDH) at the end of September 2024 compared to 54 million dirhams a year earlier, specifies the TGR in its recent Monthly Bulletin of Public Finance Statistics (BMSFP).

Net revenue from customs duties exceeded 11.81 billion dirhams, an increase of 11.8% compared to the end of September 2023, said the same source, adding that net revenue from import VAT, as for to them, increased by 14.1% to 42.69 billion dirhams.

As for net ICT revenues on energy products, they reached nearly 13.50 billion dirhams, an improvement of 16.6% compared to their level at the end of September 2023, taking into account reimbursements, reliefs and refunds. tax of 49 MDH.

1. Reduction of the budget deficit to 26.6 billion dirhams (MMDH) at the end of September.

2. Increase in gross ordinary revenue of 12.5% ​​to MAD 264.8 billion at the end of September.

3. Decrease in expenditure issued under the general budget by 0.6% to MAD 362.9 billion at the end of September.

4. Increase in net customs revenue of 14.2% to more than 68 billion dirhams at the end of September.

5. Reduction in expenditure emissions for compensation by 60.9% to MAD 8.1 billion at the end of September.

LNT with MAP

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