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TGB Meets Gibran in Solo, Supports Going Forward to the 2024 Governor Election

CNN Indonesia

Wednesday, 22 Feb 2023 17:00 WIB

Daily Chairperson of the Perindo Party DPP, Muhammad Zainul Majdi supports the Mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka to run for the 2024 Pilgub. CNN Indonesia/Rosyid Ichsan(CNN Indonesia/Rosyid Ichsan)

Only, CNN Indonesia

Daily Leader Perindo DPP Tuan Guru Bajang (TGB) Muhammad Zainul Majdi visited the Mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka.

After the meeting with the hosts, TGB stated that it supports Gibran to run for the upcoming 2024 gubernatorial election. The former Governor of West Nusa Tenggara said that Gibran’s political life was still long.

“He still has this life span very long, long political life God willing. We hope that he, as a young leader, can continue to pave his way to expand leadership not only in Solo, but also in a wider scope,” said TGB after meeting Gibran at Loji Gandrung, which is the official residence of the Mayor of Solo, Wednesday (22/2).

TGB praised Gibran’s achievements while leading the City of Solo. He has seen many arrangements and improvements in Bengawan City since being led by the eldest son of Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

“In simple language, Mas Gibran footprinthe t is clear. The marks are real, the performance can be seen,” he said.

According to TGB, Gibran should have spread his wings to a wider area.

“If he has performed his leadership duties well as he has done then circumcision (God’s decree) must expand its work for better benefits,” he said.

Recently, Gibran’s name has been mentioned as a strong candidate for Governor of Central Java and DKI Jakarta. In response to this, TGB is sure that Gibran will excel in whatever area he leads.

“Anywhere suitable, want Central Java or Jakarta, in my opinion, both are possible,” he said.

Furthermore, TGB also reminded Gibran to remain humble and defend the interests of the community.

Stay humble (remain humble) yes sir. Stay as you are, always close and always with the people,” he said.

Separately, Gibran thanked TGB for their support. However, Gibran emphasized that he was still waiting for directions from the Chairperson of the PDIP, Megawati Soekarnoputri.

“Thank you, Pak TGB, for your support. But I’m still waiting for a decision from the Ketum,” he said.


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