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Tg3 crew attacked in Lebanon, correspondent Goracci: “Our driver died of a heart attack” – Video

The journalist: “The fixer reported our presence to Hezbollah, they attacked us.” Watch the video.

The attackers of the Tg3 crew on a mission in Lebanon, which cost the life of the local driver Ahmad Akil Hamzeh, were not Hezbollah and were not armed. «Hezbollah had nothing to do with it – correspondent Lucia Goracci told ANSA -, it was an outburst without any political implications, the result of widespread tension among the population of the areas under attack». It was – he confirmed by referring to the words of the fixer Kinda Mahaluf – a gesture of anger on the part of the families of two women killed in the raids, which only by chance found an outlet in the attack on the Rai crew.
«Everything took place within 15-20 minutes – continued the correspondent -; we wanted to visit the site of a bombing two days ago and document the escape of the fishermen from the coast after the Israeli alert, moving, as always, with caution and with all the necessary permits. We were filming some workers rebuilding greenhouses, people passing by, an elderly woman who said a few words to us, when a group of people without signs or weapons or any sign of recognition approached aggressively. A man tried to break the camera with a stone while some urged him, others held him back. We got back in the car headed for Beirut, chased by the man riding a scooter.”

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#Tg3 #crew #attacked #Lebanon #correspondent #Goracci #driver #died #heart #attack #Video
– 2024-10-08 16:31:40

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