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TFC calls on the Council of State to stay in Ligue 1

the essential
This is his last chance to avoid a descent into Ligue 2 … Like Amiens, the other relegated from L1, yesterday Tuesday the TFC appealed to the supreme court of administrative law. In which division will the Violets evolve from this summer? The Council of State will arbitrate definitively – a priori – Thursday of next week.

There, it’s done ! According to our information, the TFC has seized the highest administrative court, imitating the Olympique Lyonnais who had filed his request Monday and the Amiens Sporting-Club which the next day brought him two appeals (one, on the merits, for excess to be able to).

Recall that the three clubs, which challenge the decision of April 30 taken by the Board of Directors of the Professional Football League to both stop and freeze the championship after the 28e day (according to the ratio points / matches played), were dismissed last Friday by the Administrative Court of Paris – first step in the legal battle. Which “had held that decisions of general scope of the LFP could only be challenged before the Council of State”. Translate: with regard to administrative disputes, this French supreme court as it is known has sole jurisdiction in first and last resort.

TFC intends to defend its interests

If the OL (not qualified in the European Cup) and the ASC (downgraded to L2, like the TFC) will be auditioned in a week, Thursday, June 4, the Tefecist staff does not yet know , at present, the date of his “passage” after formalizing his appeal yesterday. Even if there is a good chance that his hearing before the Council of State will also be fixed for June 4 in a procedure again in summary procedure.

As announced, the Haut-Garonne club intends to defend its interests, says Olivier Sadran, and assert its rights. Until the end – the Council of State will whistle the end of the game on the judicial field, no appeal is possible -, “it is a question of ensuring respect for sports equity,” continued the Toulouse president in a letter. addressed last Thursday to all the partners, since 30 points remained at stake ”.

Draft in Ligue 1 or maintenance in Ligue 2

Remarks reaffirmed by “OS” in an email, this time to subscribers, this Tuesday morning: “We took the time to reflect necessary and, in conscience, made the choice to contest a decision subject to a questionable interpretation of the regulations. “

In a last match to quit or double, deciding on his draft in L1 or his maintenance in L2, the TFC will therefore play extra time next week …

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