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Texas Nurse Reports Horror Over Intensive Coronavirus Patients: Only Dead in Body Bags

Aleixandrea Macias works in an intensive care ward in Brownsville where no coronavirus patient has survived.

A Texas nurse who cares for patients with coronavirus in the intensive care unit of a hospital in Brownsville He said that no one has left that room except in body bags (or dead).

In a Facebook post, Aleixandrea Macias, 24, recounted on Monday the terrible images that he keeps in his mind of patients who have unsuccessfully battled against COVID-19.

“I have never seen something like this before, I have never cared for someone who is so healthy but at the same time deathly ill,” said the health professional in the publication that includes photos of her tearful face and marked by the masks that uses.

“Being in ICU I am supporting my patients day by day until they die. None has left the unit except in body bags, ”details the nurse who has been treating patients for more than 15 days.

The mother of four also denounced the lack of medical equipment for the staff.

“I can count the times I have heard,” well, we are going to try and do this, but we do not have that, “agregó added the disease. “I am not an ICU nurse, but there is no one else working these units now either.”

Macias also recounts the moments in which he has to explain to patients about the possibility of being intubated.

“I have seen patients arrive at the unit still without being sedated or with a ventilator, but with extreme respiratory conditions and more than scared,” he said. “I have explained to them what COVID does in their bodies, what are the risks of being cased and not, and I have listened when these people call members of their family for the last time before being cased,” he recalled.

“If I can leave them with something, I know that I can help them in those last moments with their relatives,” he added.

Another problem Macias has to deal with is the language barrier. According to the nurse, many of her patients speak only Spanish, which complicates communication.

In that sense, she said that her language proficiency has improved thanks to her husband, who is Hispanic.

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