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Texas citizens raise wall

Over a length of more than 11 kilometers, in the border town of Ebony, south of McAllen, Texas, a wall stands at least 5 meters high that President Donald Trump did not order to build.

It is a wall that stands with the donation of 25 million dollars that 500 thousand Americans have made for the We Build the Wall Incorporated organization to lift along the Rio Grande.

The wall is located on the property of George Cudahy, a war veteran who donated his 75 acres to the banks of the river so that the wall extends.

Neighbors accuse Cudahy of allowing the construction of the wall without having studies of the land or environmental impacts.

José Alfredo Cavazos, 72, a neighbor of Cudahy and owner of 70 continuous acres to the territory where the wall is erected, said the federal government has pressed him and neighbors in that area to continue the project of the wall built by the residents.

“This man bought there because I say he is a man who hates race and there you see him, he sleeps now more at ease because he believes that with that already. We want to take part to put a way to check the wall they want to put on the riverbank.

“In our family we can say that we do not cross the border, the border crossed us because we have been here since before there was the United States in 1770,” says Reynaldo Cavazos, cousin of José Alfredo and war veteran.

Los Cavazos have built at least 30 country houses that rent fishing and jet sky enthusiasts for weekends.

President Donald Trump’s project aims to build a wall that would cross the properties of the Cavazos and leave their country houses on the Mexican side.

Like the Cavazos, at least seven families in McAllen have sued the US government for trying to expropriate the land to build the Trump wall.

Efrén Olivares, of the Texas Civil Rights Project, the organization that handles the cases of these seven families, says that the first phase is to access “the terrain to carry out measurements with GPS and have an exact determination to know how many will be expropriated. Of the seven cases, five are at that stage. ”

“The federal expropriation law is very favorable to the government, there is a presumption that the government has the right to expropriate private property for public use and from the beginning we start at disadvantages, what we are looking for here is that at least families receive a decent amount for their properties, ”Efrén explains in his McAllen offices.

Aleida García is another of the plaintiffs. In November the federal government offered him one hundred dollars for his land. Its property is an inheritance of five generations that grew up along the river, a place where dozens of migrants also crossed over time.

“They have come from Chiapas, from Guatemala, from Honduras, Chinese, quite a lot of Chinese, that has passed through here and that it is hard to talk with them,” says Aleida.

Despite the disadvantages, these families are willing to give their all in court and prevent hatred of Mexicans and Central Americans from reaching their own lands. “We do not know when this wall is going to be made, but they will use it at any rate, if it is not above it is below, it would be of no use,” Aleida concludes.

The future of TP-01 is defined today

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador reported that the future of the presidential TP-01 José María Morelos y Pavón presidential plane is very likely today. In his morning conference, in which he did not accept questions, he explained that on Tuesday he will hold a meeting and there he will make the final decision on the aircraft that is valued at 2.5 billion pesos.

According to the President, a tentative date for the raffle is next May 5; It provides that part of the tickets will be sold to the business sector and the other directly to the lottery retailers in the streets.

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