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Texas Boy in NYC ICU After Birthday Trip Takes Tragic Turn – Help Needed for Healthcare Costs

Jeanne Le Borgne 02/12/2024 at 09:36

On vacation in New York for his tenth birthday, a little boy suffered a ruptured aneurysm and is now in a coma. His parents don’t know if he will be able to wake up, or how to pay for their child’s healthcare costs.

Riker Stippick dreamed of seeing the Broadway musical Hamilton, but his birthday trip turned into a nightmare. On the way to the World Trade Center, on his tenth birthday, the boy complained to his parents that he was suffering from the “worst headache” he had ever had. Moments later, the child started vomiting and was forced to lie down on a bench.

The boy then reportedly cried out in pain, pushing his parents, from Texas, to call 911. Once there, the emergency services did not hesitate for a single second and took Riker Stippick to the hospital. There, doctors detected an “arteriovenous malformation”, according to the “ New York Post “. This is an abnormal connection between its arteries and veins in the brain.

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Above all, the child would have suffered from a ruptured aneurysm during his stay, which caused him “excruciating suffering”. And to relieve him, surgeons had to drill a hole in Riker Stippick’s skull to remove the clotting of blood and fluids that had formed. Since then, the boy has been in a coma.

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A medical debt that is increasing day by day

“We don’t know if we can hope that he will recover from this, nor when, and even less what types of therapies or treatments will be necessary in the future,” lamented his father, David Stippick, at Fox 7. A situation that stresses Riker Stippick’s parents in more than one way. Because in addition to knowing their child is sick, both face the anguish of seeing their “medical debt” growing a little more every day.

To help them with this and support the cost of their “extended stay in New York, the mounting hospital bills, the cost of a possible medical transfer to Austin, their days away from work, the care of their two young girls and future therapies/medical care” by Riker Stippick, the pastor of their community opened an online prize pool. And in less than a week, it passed the $100,000 mark. An amount that clearly illustrates how expensive the American health system is.

2024-02-12 08:36:24
#Birthday #trip #York #turns #nightmare #10yearold #boy #coma

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