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Testimony of an emergency doctor from St-Lô: “Our luck in Normandy? We are 10 days ahead of Colmar and Paris ”

It is very risky to communicate figures, knowing that the situation is changing from day to day. At the time of writing, a dozen patients were hospitalized in Saint-Lô, including two in intensive care, but these data will quickly become obsolete.

* What state of mind are you in? You, who are exposed, are you calm when you come to the hospital?

Thomas Delomas, head of the emergency department at the Saint-Lô Memorial Hospital:
I am very happy to come to work. There is an unprecedented surge of solidarity. All general practitioners, colleagues, students, everyone is mobilized. Even if we have never experienced a crisis of this magnitude, we prepare, we train, it’s part of our job as an emergency physician. We work a lot. We don’t count our hours anymore. We take turns to go to sleep a little. But frankly I prefer to do that because it makes sense.

* How do you organize yourself in this context?

The Memorial Hospital of Saint-Lô is the headquarters of SAMU 50 and for three weeks, the activity in regulation has increased considerably and has been multiplied by four.
A majority of calls concern COVID. We have resized our control room. We created a crisis room. Four additional physicians, interns, medical students and firefighters from the SDIS 50 were recruited.

The samu 50 is running at full speed and plays its barrier role perfectly to protect the hospital

Caregivers' equipment at the Memorial Hospital in Saint-Lô / © DR
Caregivers’ equipment at the Memorial Hospital in Saint-Lô / © DR

* Your colleagues from East or Ile de France are overwhelmed. How do you see the peak of the epidemic?

We are preparing for a massive influx of patients. We triggered level 3 of the epidemic crisis. We launched level 3 of the establishment’s white plan. All non-emergency surgical activities have been scheduled. We freed up as many beds as possible and canceled the holidays. Staff have been called back.

We have designed more than 60 beds for Covid patients. We still have places in intensive care. We prepared very widely. We are for the moment relatively preserved. In Saint-Lô, we are not yet in the peak of the epidemic. And it’s a chance.

We work with our colleagues from Colmar and Paris. We are inspired by their feedback. We are 10 days ahead of our organization compared to them. It’s pretty positive.

The only unknown is when will arrive the epidemic peak and what will be its intensity, in our region.

* In Normandy, could the intensity be similar to the Grand Est region?

I am not a soothsayer. All I can say is that we prepared as if we were going to be affected like them. It’s our duty.

What will be the effects of containment, if it is respected? It should flatten the peak of the epidemic a little. At least we hope so. What will be the effect of the mass exodus of city dwellers who came to our region? These are people who can potentially move the woodpecker if subjects are sick.

Paris is waiting for the peak for now. We should have it in a week. So we remain very vigilant for the days to come.

* Can you describe the disease to us?

The natural history of this disease is an influenza-like illness that develops for 7-10 days and can worsen suddenly. With the sudden appearance of signs of respiratory distress. We know that this disease is particularly worrying for the elderly and fragile subjects (chronic diseases, cardiovascular problems, diabetes).

Out of 100 patients who will have Covid-19:
– 80 to 85% will have non-serious symptoms or no symptoms at all
– About 15% will develop symptoms which will require hospitalization with monitoring and oxygen.
– 5% will have a severe and severe form, with a transition to intensive care.


Coronavirus what to do if you have signs and symptoms of the disease (36 sec) – Public Health France March 2020

* Are you sufficiently equipped?

We are very vigilant about our individual protection stocks (masks, charlottes, overcoat). For the moment, there is no shortage, but stocks are very tight. They are used with great care and rigor.

We made a call to companies, individuals, town halls and we thank them because we were able to recover a lot of masks. But we hope to have new deliveries because we only have a few days of inventory in advance.

* How do you explain the lack of masks today?

Maybe at the time of Madame Bachelot, there had been a massive order for masks and the importance of the epidemic peak had not been as great, so at the time, we grumbled to say that we had too much. Today, we are in tension over these elements. Besides, we use masks from the Bachelot stock. They are out of date, but you can still use them. But it is true that this raises questions. In a crisis like this, our concerns and our energy should focus elsewhere than on the search for masks.

The emergency department of Saint-Lô warmly thanks the donors of masks and ... croissants / © DR The emergency department of Saint-Lô warmly thanks the donors of masks and ... croissants / © DR
The emergency department of Saint-Lô warmly thanks the donors of masks and … croissants / © DR

* What do you want to say to the population?

We already thank them. We are very touched by the messages of support.

And above all, be vigilant about these barrier measures and this confinement, which is certainly very restrictive, but that is what will save lives.

* Do you think this health crisis will raise awareness about your profession, which was in great pain before the epidemic?

If there are still people who doubt the interest of our work and the goodwill of the healthcare teams, it will raise doubts. After frankly, I am not convinced that all the problems of the health system will be solved after this epidemic but I am really VERY proud of my teams and the job that we do.

Perhaps the only enhancement that we can keep from our work is the lives that we have managed to save. That is the most important.

© Ministry of Solidarity and Health © Ministry of Solidarity and Health
© Ministry of Solidarity and Health

Who to call if in doubt about the Covid 19?

For patients who have no symptoms: ARS toll free number 0800 130 000
For patients who have mild symptoms: Call the attending physician or, failing that, 116 117
For patients who have severe symptoms (respiratory distress): the 15th, which treats all vital emergencies (Covid 19, Infarction, etc.)

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