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Test Your Knowledge: The Greatest Game Villains Throughout History

today September 15, 2023 8:30 am

Reading time 0:15

Ondřej Jarůšek

Source: Ubisoft/promotional material

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Welcome to another game quiz. This time we take a look at the iconic gaming villains who made history.

Some wanted to rule the world, others craved unlimited power, others loved to see people around them suffer. Games have introduced us to a number of great villains over the years, and everyone has a different idea of ​​which ones deserve a place among the best. We have selected ten male and female antagonists who have appeared in games across genres and decades. How well do you know them?


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QUIZ: How well do you know game villains?

Source: MachineGames/promotional material


Frau Engel, a fanatical Nazi, delights in seeing the suffering of others. In the end, she also ended up with a hole in her head. Our hero had no mercy for her and killed her at the end of the game. What game was it in?

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond

Source: Nintendo/promotional material


He appeared for the first time already in 1985 (!) and thus ranks among the oldest game antagonists. Who is it about?

Source: EA Games/promotional material


The mysterious The Illusive Man (portrayed by actor Martin Sheen) from Mass Effect claimed to want the best for humanity. But in reality, he only wanted power. What was the name of the company he wanted to use to achieve his goals?


Who is famous for this memorable quote? “Have I ever told you how I define insanity? Insanity is doing the exact same bloody thing over and over and expecting something to change.”

Source: NetherRealm Studios/Promotional material


Manipulative, insidious, but also tremendously powerful. The wizard Shang Tsung knows no mercy and wields many powerful abilities. Do you know which series it is inextricably linked to?

Source: Capcom/promotional material


The Resident Evil series has featured a number of memorable villains, but the most important is probably Albert Wesker, who often manipulates events in the background. In which part of this world-famous series did he appear for the first time?

Sony Interactive Entertainment


What is the name of Crash Bandicoot’s marsupial nemesis?

Source: Nintendo/promotional material


Who is the villain in the picture?


The Boss is the head of the Cobra Unit, Revolver Ocelot’s mother, and appeared as one of the main villains in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater.

Source: Nintendo/promotional material


If you’ve played*more than one of The Legend of Zelda series games, you surely know the name of the main villain, who is one of the iconic game antagonists and who we usually fight at the end of the game.

Source: Capcom


Hell, demons and monsters to slay. And as stylish as possible. The Devil May Cry action series is one of the best in its genre, and by far its most prominent villain is Vergil. What was his brother’s name?

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2023-09-15 06:30:00
#QUIZ #gaming #villains #time #Test #knowledge #iconic #characters

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