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test your knowledge by watching series!

Louise Sallé, edited by Laura Laplaud
07:56, June 14, 2022modified to

8:23 a.m., June 14, 2022

This is the last straight line to revise your philosophy baccalaureate: the test takes place on June 15. And to look one last time at some key notions of the program, an application, downloadable for free, illustrates the concepts studied in terminale with TV series. freedom with The Scarlet MaidHegel in Hollywoodor Socrates for Orange is the new black… Many series are analyzed through a philosophical prism.

At the start of the school year, films will enrich the illustrations of philosophical concepts

To decipher, for example, the behavior of the hero of the series You who does not control his impulses, it is the psychoanalyst Freud who explains it best. “In The Scarlet Maidthere is a politico-religious regime that makes women just carriers of children: there, we will really approach the concept of freedom, and see everything that Rousseau expressed in his literature”, indicates Caroline Maitrot, founder of Nomad Education, the company that developed the application “It’s a series that has had a great impact on young people.”

“These are exactly the subjects of the program of the Ministry of National Education”, she continues. “If we only talk to them about Kant, Freud or Socrates, sometimes it doesn’t say much. However, philosophy is a great subject”, she enthuses. “So, we said to ourselves that if we approach the concepts by a subject that concerns them, to which they are sensitive and that they understand, they will understand better”, concludes this entrepreneur, passionate about philosophy.

Revise the French baccalaureate with rap

To date, 25,000 students have consulted this philosophy module. Nomad Education has planned to go further at the start of the school year, with films to give even more examples. In the meantime, for the first ones who are revising their French baccalaureate, the figures of speech are presented in the application through rap pieces.

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