Home » today » Sport » Tessa Wullaert about party after the win against Italy: “We apologize to the bus driver” | Red Flames

Tessa Wullaert about party after the win against Italy: “We apologize to the bus driver” | Red Flames

“We have achieved our goal, but we are going for the full 100 percent against Sweden on Friday”, Wullaert remains combative. “We don’t have much to lose, but we are certainly not going to lose. We have to prove that to ourselves.”

“We have a day less recuperation than Sweden. It is therefore important to rest well. All in all, we are still relaxed, we try to enjoy it.

After the win against Italy, we had a little party in the evening, but from tomorrow the focus will be on Friday.”

The drive back from the stadium to the hotel would have been noisy, Wullaert does not deny. “With this, our apologies to the bus driver. We played some music, but then we had something to eat and went to sleep.”

Sufficient rest is important, especially with a view to the duel against the number 2 in the world. “We are going to do our best to realize a new stunt. We showed against France that we can really participate, even against very good teams.”

“We have nothing to lose, we’re just going to give everything. Then we’ll see where we end up.”

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