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Tesla sister SpaceX gets capital worth $ 50 billion> teslamag.de

In the excitement before the first attempt to launch a SpaceX rocket with a capsule with two US astronauts last Wednesday, it almost went under that the space company from Tesla chief Elon Musk had recently raised a lot of fresh capital: SpaceX had raised $ 567 million in a target of $ 600 million in two approximately equal funding rounds and reported this to the US regulators at the end of May, the Teslarati blog reports. The valuation is said to have been $ 36 billion and a Tesla analyst SpaceX even estimate it to be $ 50 billion.

SpaceX broadcasts on Tesla

Almost routinely, the company founded in May 2002 by Musk (ie before Tesla) has its Falcon-9 rockets now being transported to space for payment and equipment to the International Space Station USS against payment; the first stage then almost always lands cleanly on a platform and is used again. Last weekend, the second attempt made it possible to launch with a crew for the first time – for the USA, the manned return to space on its own thanks to SpaceX and Tesla boss Musk. In the SpaceX Dragon capsule, the two astronauts floated to the ISS, where they docked safely and will stay for several weeks.

According to analysts, this success of SpaceX also radiates on Tesla via the double CEO Musk, especially since the two companies are intensifying their cooperation. For example, the Tesla Roadster will get rocket engines from SpaceX and the SpaceX Starship Plaid drives from Tesla for flap control. With Starlink, SpaceX is also building a network of thousands of mini-satellites to bring fast internet to remote regions of the world. The Tesla electric cars will probably not be equipped with it, but at least Starlink should be suitable for connecting Tesla locations such as superchargers to the network.

SpaceX value a third of Tesla

Tesla is currently valued at around $ 160 billion on the stock exchange. According to Twitter, CEO Musk found that a good 10 percent less than that at the beginning of May was actually too much, but this only caused a brief slump. The rocket sister SpaceX, despite its even bigger plans to Mars, is judged cautiously by comparison: According to CNBC, the latest funding was $ 36 billion.

A Morgan Stanley team that also observes Tesla, on the other hand, sees a valuation of $ 50 billion, reports the portal Benzinga. If everything develops to the best and, for example, Starlink’s Internet offering gets off to a good start, SpaceX could also be worth a triple-digit billion amount with $ 120 billion.

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