Home » today » Business » Tesla Model Y Becomes Best-Selling Car in Sweden in 2023 Despite Union Conflicts: Car.info Data

Tesla Model Y Becomes Best-Selling Car in Sweden in 2023 Despite Union Conflicts: Car.info Data

Tesla Model Y has become the best-selling car in Sweden in 2023, according to data collected by Car.info on car sales in the Scandinavian country. The sales results have definitely been affected by Tesla’s conflicts with the Swedish trade unions regarding the collective agreement – both sides cannot find a common denominator, so the registration of Tesla machines, deliveries, maintenance and other services are difficult.

Despite the fact that the last few months of last year were quite busy for Tesla in Sweden, 16,416 Model Y cars were sold in the country, making it the best-selling car in Sweden. The Model Y outsold two of Volvo’s most popular SUVs, the XC60 and XC40, which sold 11,669 and 13,661 units respectively.


The head of the company, Elon Musk, also expressed his gratitude to the Tesla employees in Sweden, praising the team. In general, Tesla managed to increase its market share in Sweden, although the year as a whole has not been the best – in 2023, around 280 thousand cars were sold in Sweden, which is less than the year before.

2024-01-02 10:00:00
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