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Tesla hires new designer to develop cars specifically for China :: Autonews

Tesla Motors intends to set up a new design center in Beijing or Shanghai to create cars specially for the Chinese market… In this regard, the Americans are looking for a specialist who can design machines taking into account the specifics of customers from the PRC, reports Reuters.

Tesla needs a “multicultural” person with at least 20 years of experience, familiar with the preferences of Chinese motorists, who could “build bridges” between the United States and China, according to agency sources.

According to ReutersTesla Motors chief designer Franz von Holzhausen has already interviewed several candidates, although it is not yet known exactly how many people are applying for the new position. In total, the new team should include about 20 designers and modeling specialists.

Earlier, Tesla CEO Elon Musk said that within the next two years the company will release affordable electric car costing no more than $ 25 thousand… The launch of such a car on the market became possible due to a significant reduction in the cost of batteries. The head of Tesla noted that the novelty will be equipped with a new type of batteries, which will allow to travel without recharging up to 320 km, and an innovative electromechanical transmission.

The cars will be produced both at the Tesla plant in Shanghai, and at the new European “Gigafactory”, which is now being built in Berlin. Musk said that each of the factories will assemble “original cars” that will look different from each other.

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