Home » Business » Tesla Charging Stations Packed with Dead Cars in Arctic Cold Shuts Down Electric Transportation

Tesla Charging Stations Packed with Dead Cars in Arctic Cold Shuts Down Electric Transportation

The American Midwest has been gripped by frosts, which are very difficult for car owners to cope with. Desperate electric Tesla drivers gathered around charging stations amid freezing temperatures, trying in vain to charge their cars, he writes web Fox News, according to which the area around charging stations full of long lines and abandoned cars has turned into “automotive graveyards”. At low temperatures, electric cars lose about 20 percent of their range and charging takes several hours. The Norwegians also had problems. Discharged electric buses completely paralyzed public transport around Oslo last week.

“Nothing. No juice. Still zero percent,” Fox News quoted one Tesla owner as trying to charge his electric car at a crowded charging station in Illinois. Desperate electric car owners who are unable to charge their cars are even leaving their uncharged cars on the spot due to the unbearable cold and queues. Some even have to pay a towing service to take “dead” cars to charging stations.

In addition, recharging in such cold weather is not as simple as it might seem. “You have to pre-condition the battery, which means you have to get it to the optimum temperature so that it can be charged quickly,” Mark Bilek of the Chicago Auto Trade Association told Fox News.

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“I think EV owners are discovering for the first time what gas car owners knew decades ago, which is that when it gets really cold, you don’t want to be too limited in your power supply,” he said website NBC Chicago Carfax.com Editor-in-Chief Patrick Olsen.

According to studies by the Norwegian Automobile Federation, the performance of electric cars decreases by roughly 20 percent of range in cold weather. In addition, if the heating system is switched on at full power, the reduction percentage could even be doubled.

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Freezing weather prevails across the United States, with temperatures nearing minus 35 degrees Celsius in places today. The worst affected is the western state of Oregon, where nearly 50,000 customers are without power. Another nearly 60,000 homes are without power in the southern states of Texas and Louisiana, according to monitoring server data PowerOutage. Frost and snowstorms have already claimed lives, writes the AP agency.

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Frost and snowstorms have already claimed lives. At least four people have died in and around Portland, two of them from hypothermia. Another man died after a tree fell on his house, and a woman died in a fire that spread from a stove after a tree fell on her RV. Three homeless people have died in Wisconsin. A rescue operation in Kentucky has a happy ending, where a police helicopter picked up hypothermic students stranded on mountaintops.

Discharged electric buses completely paralyzed public transport around Oslo last week. At the beginning of last week, 1,000 connections were canceled, and on Wednesday again about 200. “The cancellation (of connections) is due to the lack of buses in operation,” she said last week spokeswoman for the Ruter transport operator Cathrine Myhren-Haugen. She pointed out that when temperatures drop well below freezing, electric buses drain their batteries much faster and need to be recharged much more often. Ruter thus had to return diesel buses to service.

2024-01-16 17:31:00
#Cemetery #electric #cars #Charging #stations #surrounded #dead #cars #middle #cold #Echo24.cz

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