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Terville. A young Thionville victim of a rifle fire: he loses his sight

A young 20-year-old from Thionville is hospitalized at CHR de Mercy since last weekend. His life-threatening prognosis is not guaranteed but he presents serious injuries to his face. He would also have lost an eye permanently; the second would be suspended. Saturday, January 9 at dawn, the victim was hit by a shotgun in the head. The facts took place in Place de la Convention, a usually quiet residential area, following an evening spent with friends.

The judicial police of Metz were seized of the file. Two minors from the Thionville area were arrested and placed in police custody. One is suspected of being the author of the shooting. Tuesday, at the end of the day, the two boys were still in the office of an examining magistrate, in Metz.

A close range shot

For four days, investigators have been working to pick up the pieces of this dark story. It has already been established that the victim was spending an evening in a Terville accommodation to play video games with other friends. He would have met his attacker and two of his associates in the middle of the night, when he had gone out to smoke a cigarette on the sidewalk. According to those around him, a brief altercation would have occurred and then everyone would have resumed their occupations. It was when the Thionvillois appeared again outside to return home that he would have received the 12-gauge bullet in the head. Point blank shot. Also according to his entourage, two of the three boys met by chance a few hours earlier would have returned armed, with the intention of fighting. Wounded and immediately blinded, the victim was able to escape by getting into the car of a friend who was with him. He drove him to the emergency room on the spot.

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