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Terrorism, Milan Court of Appeal: sentence prescribed for Bergamin

The Milan Assize Court declared the extinction of the prescription for Luigi Bergamin, the terrorist constituted in France in the aftermath of the arrests of some former terrorists. He confirms it to the Adnkronos the lawyer Giovanni Ceola. Only yesterday, in the execution incident before the court presided over by judge Ilio Mannucci Pacini, the Milan prosecutor Adriana Blasco had asked to reassess Bergamin’s prescription with respect to the 27-year sentence that became final on 8 April 1991 for the crimes of Antonio Santoro and Andrea Campagna. According to the prosecutor, there were two reasons why the limitation period did not exist: in the case of the Santoro crime (23 years of sentence) there was a declaratory ordinance of habitual delinquency that definitively blocks the prescription, in the case of the Campagna murder it did not go taking into account the 2008 decision of the Milan Assize Court which declared the crime for which Bergamin was sentenced to only 2 years as prescribed.

For the prosecutor, the murder of Campagna should not be calculated “continuously”, but as such and therefore the ‘virtual’ sentence cannot be less than 21 years, thus carrying the definitive sentence that the former terrorist must serve at 18 years 11 months and one day (2 years more than the current sentence). Bergamin’s defense is of a different opinion, which considers the prescription declared by the assize court on the murder of Campagna to be peaceful and as regards the assassination of Marshal Santoro, appeals to the fact that an appeal is pending on the recent ordinance regarding habitual delinquency: as it is not definitive it cannot be applied to the case and therefore everything was prescribed on 8 April last. Today the court agreed with the defense.

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