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Terror in Hanau: expert on online radicalization of right-wing extremists

The police are investigating traces at one of the crime scenes in Hanau. Picture: EPA

Expert on Hanau terror: “Perpetrators are celebrated as heroes in forums”

Lisa Neumann / watson.de

After the attack on two shisha bars and a kiosk in Hanau on Wednesday evening, the horror and grief are great. Again, you have to say, because it is by no means the first attack with a right-wing extremist, racist background. It quickly became apparent from the offender’s confessional letter that this exists.

After the NSU murders, the attacks in Munich and Halle, the murder of Walter Lübcke and now the attack in Hanau, many are at a loss. What can society do? What should the authorities do better? And how do you deal with the problem as a whole?

Watson spoke to political scientist Jan Rathje. He is an expert on right-wing extremism, racism and anti-Semitism – and sees a connection between the perpetrators of Christchurch, von Halle and now Hanau.

watons: Mr. Rathje, what do we know about the motive of the perpetrator?

Jan Rathje: In various documents that the alleged perpetrator wrote, a right-wing extremist view of the world with large parts of conspiracy theories becomes clear. Apparently he believes that he has to prevail against their machinations.

What do you mean by machinations?

It suggests that he was a supporter of the extreme right-wing conspiracy narrative of the “Great Exchange”, so he believed that the whites would be wiped out.

What role do far-right networks play?

A big. Many people radicalize themselves online. Knowledge is gathered and shaped there. This is evident on an international level and is not a purely German phenomenon.

What connects the Christchurch, Halle and Hanau attacks?

The perpetrators previously acted online. They are all looking for connection and confirmation. Parallels can be found in the perpetrators’ documents and manifestos.

Image: facebook.com/watch/MedienindieSchule/

You have already mentioned it: are the conspiracy theories reinforced by the online networks?

Yes, a very clear yes. Many circulate in the forums, boards and messengers, also side by side. And the perpetrators then always look for those who support them themselves.

What is the motive?

You can’t say that yet. But the documents are strongly racist.

Apparently some Kurds are among the victims. Did the alleged perpetrator explicitly choose this group?

It can also be a coincidence. But it is likely that he specifically selected the shisha bars. There he finds the “right” people in his eyes.

It is not the first such attack in Germany. Have we reached a new potential for conflict?

Since 2018 we have seen a wave of right-wing extremist acts. Online radicalization has been increasing since 2019.

So do we have to assume that the deeds will pile up in the future?

At least that cannot be ruled out. People are celebrated as heroes on the forums. The declared goal of the people is to stimulate imitators. The videos, manifestos and pamphlets aim precisely at this provocation.

What can the authorities learn from the incident for the future?

Right-wing extremism must be taken seriously and should be a top priority. The repression pressure must be increased.

What do you think is a priority right now?

Extremism in general. However, some forms of extremism are fought in some parties. This puts the real threat of right-wing extremism into perspective.

What are you asking for?

A rethink must take place. That attackers are not always part of an organization and vice versa, that individuals acting alone are not always perpetrators, but exchange information via networks.

German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier speaks at a funeral service on Hanau’s market square. Image: AP

What can we learn from this as a society?

That something like this can happen at any time. And that we should show solidarity – also with potential victims.

Why is it so important to show solidarity?

So that the events are not simply accepted and the fear of those affected is taken seriously. At the moment this doesn’t seem to be the case.

What do you mean?

A large number of right-wing extremists are on the run, or are in hiding. It looks like these people don’t have much to fear. The pressure of repression on the right-wing extremist milieu is too low.

What are you asking for?

Among other things, people who work for a multicultural society must also be protected. The best example is Walter Lübcke.

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