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“Terrible diseases”: the bloated Basque spoke for the first time about his condition

The “natural blond” stopped hiding the obvious and honestly spoke about the disease. According to the artist, there is hardly any talk of a complete restoration.

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In recent months, fans have been seriously concerned about the health of 46-year-old Nikolai Baskov. It is known that the “golden voice of Russia” tore her ligaments and survived a serious operation, and was also swollen beyond recognition. Until the last moment, the same tenor preferred not to talk about his condition. Today, however, he seems to have made it through. Nikolai Viktorovich is shocked that the press is burying him almost alive.

“After the operation, I went online and was amazed to the core. They just didn’t write about me! And that I have varicose veins and that there are more terrible diseases. They said I was about to die. I want to ask: don’t people get sick? Many fall and stumble. I’m not an exception. The Russian doctors from CITO put me back on my feet, ”said the“ natural blond ”.

According to Baskov, whose the secret has just been revealed, deliberately said nothing, waiting for the moment when everything would heal. In this regard, he is a superstitious person. However, now the artist has more or less come to his senses and therefore he decided to be frank. The performer of the hit “Hug You” is still limping, but he already feels much better – he told all the details to reporters of the Moskovsky Komsomolets publication.

“It will take time for the knee to develop. Right now I’m trying to be careful. Dangerous – God forbid, I will fall again. After the operation, my doctor said to me: “Nikolai Viktorovich, do you even look at your passport?” I was surprised: “Why are you asking me?” “You are already 46 years old! You have to be careful!” replied the doctor. But I act like I’m still 26, ”laughs Nikolai Viktorovich.

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