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Terra Luna votes the proposal | Amazing bull run on the market

Crash of cryptocurrencies, then a major rebound of almost all the major ones. And from this leading group, the leadership of Earth Moon, which earns the 30% in about 24 ore.

A boost that comes from the vote on two important propoposal – that we had already anticipated on our pages and that will significantly change the strength of $LUNA on the market.

Amazing ride for $ LUNA

Is there any possibility of a correction? Or will the race continue? We will talk about it in the first of our Sunday insights. Earth Moon is available on Capital.comgo here to receive a free demo account with unlimited virtual capital, top intermediary for analysis and operational functions, including the exclusive system of crypto-auto-trading.

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Terra Luna flies: the new proposals behind the bull run

Even though yesterday’s rebound was consistent for many cryptocurrencies – let’s think about it in particular Ethereum -no one has managed to put one on the table amazing ride like that of Earth Moon. A sign that it is not, this should be clear from the analysis of what happened, of a boom without criteria and pushed by speculation or from normal market movements.

To push the price of Earth Moon are two proposals, which went to the vote yesterday, and which concern the increase in liquidity of the stablecoin of the protocol at Curve.

These are the proposals 148 e 149, which can be voted with the classic mechanisms of governance of the protocol – and that at the time of writing they have over the 92% votes in favor. It will, therefore, be done without sensational upheavals – and this will mean strong bullish pushes for a token, $LUNA, which is algorithmically related to the issue of $ UST.

A growth very significant of liquidity of $ SET in the ecosystem of Ethereum, which also introduces gods great incentives – with APY starting from 24% until the 40%. Overall a very interesting system for those who will have $LUNA in cash – and which therefore triggered purchases, even by those who have no speculative interest.

How long can the bull run last? Is there any danger for a short-term correction?

This type of growth can always be affected by corrections, which are natural and also beneficial. For the next few hours whoever wants to enter on $LUNA it will either have to do it with the utmost attention, or with time horizons that are decidedly broader than those of the short term.

The 30%, for a cryptocurrency already with this level of capitalization it is doubly important growth, which on the one hand signals, for the market, the goodness of proposal which have practically already been approved. On the other hand, it opens up to a scenario of possible short-term volatility.

Overall, despite Terra has already reached our targets – we believe it can continue its progression – on the strength of these two new proposals (actually connected) and of major projects that we will be able to talk about in the coming weeks.

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