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Termo Ploiești Facing Major Crisis: Left Without ANRE License and Operating Deadline

Established last fall to provide hot water and heat to the residents of Ploiești from the block, after three months of summer in which the system was non-functional, the Termo Ploiești company is now facing a new major crisis.

Read also: Mayor Volosevici again runs away from the responsibility of the hot water crisis. Unreal exchange of words with advisers: “You can file a complaint with me”

Termo Ploiești was left without ANRE license. The mayor and the prefect knew from September 4th

The heating operator of Ploiești was left without an operating license from the National Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE) on September 1.

The information appears in an address that ANRE sent to both Termo Ploiești and the mayor Andrei Volosevici, respectively the prefect of Prahova, Virgil Nanu, who remained silent!

Here is the alarm signal ANRE has raised since September 4:

Since the validity of the provisional license no. 2351 for the provision of the public thermal energy supply service, granted to the economic operator TERMO PLOIEȘTI SRL by ANRE Decision no. 1829/17.10.2022 and amended by ANRE Decision no. 713/29.03.2023, ended on 01.09.2023, we draw attention to the fact that, according to the clauses listed in art. 24 lit. d) from Contract no. 19723/11.10.2022 delegating the management of the public thermal energy supply service – the activity of production, transport, distribution and supply of thermal energy in the Municipality of Ploiești, concluded with the Municipality of Ploiești, the contract ends “in the event of the absence, withdrawal or termination of validity of the Delegate’s operating license”. Consequently, it is necessary to present the documents provided for in art. 10 para. (1) lit. g) from the Regulation in updated form”.

The full document sent by ANRE to Mayor Volosevici and Prefect Nanu can be consulted here:

Termo Ploiești can only operate until December 1

So, after receiving a provisional operating license from ANRE last fall, in order to put an end to the hot water and heat crisis in Ploiești (remember the t-shirt circus?), the operator Termo Ploiești did not take the necessary steps to obtain the final license, which would have been valid for five years.

As a result, Termo Ploiești can operate as a heating operator for only 90 days, ie until December 1! And we don’t say it, but ANRE in an official document!

The effects of this huge blunder, which the mayor Andrei Volosevici cannot be a stranger to as long as he coordinates the activity of Termo Ploiești, disasters are announced for the residents of Ploiești who live in the block, but also for public institutions connected to the centralized system, such as schools, kindergartens, hospitals, etc.

Without a license, Termo Ploiești cannot buy subsidized gas

This is because, in the absence of a valid license issued by ANRE, Termo Ploiești has minimal chances to take the loan of 80 million lei for the purchase of gas at a subsidized price.

It should be noted that the local elected officials approved the loan contract in an extraordinary meeting on September 6, without being informed by Mayor Volosevici that the Termo Ploiești license expired on September 1!

This would mean that, for the production of hot water and heat in the cold season, from which we are only a month away, Termo Ploiești will have to buy gas at the market price, which is obviously higher than the subsidized one!

Read also the open letter of a rainmaker to mayor Volosevici: “How do you warm up, what do you wash with? It’s cold in our homes and schools!”

Even so, without that credit of 80 million lei, the operator has no money to purchase gas, especially since the town hall registers important debts, in the order of millions of lei, for the payment of the subsidy from the past months!

Unfortunately, the “history” of last winter can be repeated, when the Ploiești City Hall allocated money for gas from one day to the next, and in the absence of a sufficient stock, the operator supplied hot water and heat at the breakdown rate. And that will happen in the most optimistic scenario.

Ploiești City Hall could be forced to make a new tender

Why? Because during the 90 days, the grace period that ANRE offered Termo Ploiești, after explaining to him the license which was a provisional one anyway, the mayor’s office led by Andrei Volosevici should organize a new selection procedure of a licensed operator.

As Termo Ploiești showed amateurism, ignoring the obligation to obtain the operating license from ANRE, the town hall company could even be prohibited from participating in the auction.

And in the conditions in which the former operators, especially Veolia, have to recover significant sums from the mayor’s office for the subsidy from previous years, which company would risk coming to Ploiești again?

Read also Termo Ploiești has no money to buy cheap gas for winter heat. Mayor Volosevici, no reaction [Document]

We all remember the failure of the Prahova County Council from the summer of last year, when, following the organized tender, the company Termoficare Prahova ended up operating the system.

Then, after the first bills related to the subsidy not paid by the town hall, the operator closed the hot water tap, invoking revisions and repairs, and the residents of Ploiești washed at the sink for three months! And this is not all!

Goodbye hot water subsidy?

The hot water subsidy, which the tandem made by the mayor Volosevici and the prefect Nanu promised the residents of Ploiešte from the block, ended on September 1.

Details here: The residents of Ploiești have been without subsidized hot water since September 1. Mayor Volosevici and Prefect Nanu broke their promises

Sources from the town hall claim that elected officials cannot vote on a decision to grant a subsidy to an operator without an operating license from ANRE!

But no one talks about this topic. Not Volosevici, not prefect Nanu, not even the local councilors.

The latter preferred to boycott en masse, yesterday, from the extraordinary meeting, although on the agenda was a project regarding a budget rectification for the partial payment of an outstanding invoice issued by Termo Ploiesti for the March subsidy.

Without payment of debts to the operator, no new hot water subsidy can legally be granted.

Therefore, the residents of the block will continue to pay hot water at the full rate, namely 720 lei/gcal, compared to 220 lei/gcal.

The document by which ANRE requests Termo Ploiești a series of documents after the provisional license expires

2023-09-14 18:25:30
#Termo #Ploiești #left #license #hot #water #heat #winter #DOCUMENTE #OFICIALE #Prahovean #Observatory

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