Home » today » News » Terminillo, Antonio Muredda, the osteopath of the National team, dies: he fell for 200 meters

Terminillo, Antonio Muredda, the osteopath of the National team, dies: he fell for 200 meters

Down for two hundred meters along a cliff in the area of ​​Monte Elefante, in Terminillo. The Sunday hike in the mountains ends in tragedy for a 42-year-old Roman osteopath, Antonio Muredda, well known and appreciated in the capital, already in the staff of the Paralympic basketball national team. The man was in the company of a friend when, suddenly, he slipped on the grassy slope, not frozen and now not even covered by snow anymore, rolling from the ridge to the valley almost to the road that leads to the town of Micigliano. No handhold to cling to to get to safety, Muredda hit several times against the outcropping rocks and his injuries were fatal.
To give the alarm the other hiker, left in shock immediately after the incident. The forty-two-year-old died practically on the spot and the massive and immediate mobilization of aid deployed by the Finance, Alpine Rescue, Police, 118 and Fire Brigade intervened by helicopter to recover the body was of no use.

The accident occurred around 2 pm The two friends had been for lunch in a local restaurant then the walk, one of the many that the professional loved to do on the weekend almost always together with the same friend and, sometimes, also at the ‘pit bull loved him.

Muredda, originally from the Montemario district, north of the capital, had opened a studio in via Ada Negri, in Talenti, but once a week he also received in Prati. After starting engineering at university, he discovered a passion for osteopathy. “He worked in the gym as a personal trainer and in the meantime he studied to specialize”, remembers Alessia Ferri, a friend and patient. «Thursday I had been to him and he had anticipated the trip to Terminillo. He made excursions of medium difficulty, mostly on the central Apennines, with him almost always a friend and his dog. He was a good person, ”she says in tears.

After leaving Engineering, Muredda enrolled at Cerdo, Center pour l’Étude, the Recherche et la Diffusion Ostéopathiques, one of the most prestigious schools in the sector, where he immediately distinguished himself for excellent marks. “He had passed all the exams at the first test and was always very available, ready to help others”, says colleague Chiara Bisceglie, with whom, in the last year of lessons, he had shot the video “Life as students of osteopathy” to participate in a national category competition.

«He was older than me and did not skimp on advice and“ tips ”to pass the sessions – he explains – His grades were always very high and his brilliant path continued in the world of work. He was among the best, both with adults and children, in the pediatric field and for this reason very sought after ». Andrea, another friend of course, is also upset. “I still can’t believe it – he says – if I think of all the busy days of study, full time, that we spent, of the effort he made … Antonio was a discreet, shy, but sunny person, it was time we didn’t we heard more, but every now and then I saw his “stories” of mountain trips ».

The staff of the Italian Wheelchair Basketball Federation were also upset. Carlo Di Giusto, Roman doc and technical director of the national team remembers «the adventure at the World Cup in Germany, it was 2018, he immediately made himself available. A serious and dedicated professional, a smart man who will be missed by all. We cling to family members ».
Apparently, for yesterday’s excursion Muredda and his friend did not have particularly suitable equipment. Perhaps the slope turned out to be more difficult than expected. To clarify the exact dynamics of the accident, however, an investigation will be opened.


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