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Termination of Contract with Company BG NOVA for Non-Performance in Road Maintenance

Veselin Vasilev, email: [email protected]

Katya Kassabova, email: [email protected]

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his retrenchment is due to systematic failure to perform the assigned activities on time and with the required quality

The Road Infrastructure Agency has terminated the contract with the company BG NOVA, which maintains the republican roads in the Burgas region. Its termination is due to systematic non-performance on time and with the required quality of the assigned activities undertaken under Contract No. RD-37-87/09.11.2022 and related to winter maintenance and restoration works in emergency situations on the republican roads in the territory of the district.

The latest example is from November 18 and 19, 2023, when the company, despite the repeated attempts of the contracting authority, the given instructions and requirements to take the necessary adequate actions to maintain the republican roads in the Burgas region and to ensure the safe travel of drivers in winter conditions, remained without result. This led to the closure of road sections and the blocking of major road arteries such as road I-9 Obzor – Sunny Beach – Burgas, road I-9 Burgas – Malko Tarnovo, road III-208 Provadia – Aytos, road III-906 Orizare – Kableshkovo via Dyulinski prohod and road III-6009 Mirolyubovo – Kableshkovo. The company did not provide the Employer with an Operational Plan for winter road maintenance within the stipulated time.

Significant gaps and remarks in the fulfillment of the contractual commitments were found in the snow removal and maintenance activities last winter as well. Fines and corrections in the values ​​of the winter maintenance activities have been repeatedly imposed on the company. For example, adjustments have been made to winter maintenance values ​​due to a lack of minimum required winter maintenance materials; non-performed, as required, daily patrols of the road sections; untimely installation of GPS technology for tracking and controlling the snow removal machines; icy and raw areas and others.

Gaps are also reported in the assigned activities for restoration works in emergency situations on the republican roads after the torrential rains and floods on September 4 and 5, 2023 in the Burgas region. The deadline for the implementation of the emergency restoration activities was October 27 of this year, considering the beginning of the winter season. As of November 20 of this year, 35% of the assigned activities have not been completed.

In view of the termination of Contract No. RD-37-87/09.11.2022 with the company “BG NOVA”, the Road Infrastructure Agency is taking the necessary actions to ensure winter maintenance and restoration work in emergency situations on the republican roads on the territory of the BURGAS OPU “, pursuant to Art. 79, para. 1, item 4 of the Public Procurement Act. This text from the PLO allows, in the presence of exceptional circumstances, to take urgent actions to conclude a new contract with another contractor in order to ensure the winter maintenance of the republican roads in the Burgas region. The estimated value of the order will be around BGN 12.4 million without VAT. Until the conclusion of a new contract, the removal of emergency-recovery situations will be ensured by the employees of OPU-Burgas.

2023-11-21 17:51:31

#API #terminated #contract #NOVA

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