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Terminal in Brooklyn will be converted to a wind port (wind)

The South Brooklyn Marine Terminal in Sunset Park will become one of the largest offshore wind port facilities in the country.

This Thursday, Mayor Eric Adams announced the construction of new wind turbine or mill facilities that will generate renewable energy for New York City.

“A future of sustainable energy, good-paying jobs, and climate justice is being born at the South Brooklyn Marine Terminal. Our offshore wind farm will create more than 13,000 jobs, generate $1.3 billion, and make our city cleaner and greener,” he wrote. mayor in a message on social networks.

The news cheered many residents who say it will help New Yorkers not just rely on ConEdison for electricity.

“Happy with news like this, very important, very good for the government. Because that’s a good thing for the city and good for everyone that gives us good energy,” said Carlos Peña, a resident of Sunset Park.

“Well, that sounds fantastic to me. Having renewable energy from the wind and not having as much reliance on ConEdison sounds good to me,” said Lisa Levesque, also a Sunset Park resident.

The New York City Economic Development Corporation reached an agreement with Equinor, a company that builds wind turbines, to start the project.

It is a 15-year plan that will generate enough electricity for 2 million homes. It is valued at $191 million, according to city data.

The mills will be installed on the shoreline of Sunset Park.

This project will create around 13,000 local jobs throughout its construction. One thousand of those positions will be at the South Brooklyn Marine Terminal.

40 percent of the jobs and investments will go to women, minorities, and environmental justice communities.

Some residents we spoke with say they look forward to being called to work.

“Hispanics never say no, they are willing to work, if they are sent wherever they are sent to work, whatever it is, washing dishes, sweeping, everything. Hispanics are hard workers,” said María Aguilar.

“I think that the creation of jobs, right, the people who live here, I’m sure it’s convenient for them to have another option,” said Mayra Ortiz.

Using these mills will reduce carbon dioxide, bringing the city closer to its goal of using only renewable energy by 2040.

Construction will begin next year.

At the end of the day, the mayor put another message on social networks about the wind port and in which he refers to the creation of jobs and clean energy in the city.

New York City is moving toward a cleaner future filled with green jobs, and it’s starting in Brooklyn,” says the Mayor.


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