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Terje Aasland, Strøm | Aasland: Standard electricity agreements may be in place this week

– We must have power agreements that everyone can understand, says Oil and Energy Minister Terje Aasland (Ap).

Now the agreements are easier.

As early as this week, a standard agreement for the spot price of electricity may be in place. All companies must offer the same agreement.

On Monday morning, Aasland and Minister for Children and Families Kjersti Toppe (Sp) met the industry organization Renewable Norway, as well as District Energy and Community Companies Energy to discuss a proposal for a standard spot price agreement.

– The organizations have worked well and constructively and have put in place a standard spot price agreement which they can offer the electricity sales companies during this week. This could be on the market within a very short time, perhaps as early as this week, says Aasland to NTB.

Easier for customers

In recent times, electricity companies have received a lot of criticism, for example for tricking electricity customers into expensive agreements they are not in a position to understand.

A standard spot price agreement means that the only thing that can differentiate the companies is how big a mark-up they have per kilowatt-hour, as well as the monthly fee.

It will make it much easier for electricity customers to compare the agreements, Aasland believes.

– There is a jumble of different electricity agreements, and it is incredibly complicated to deal with all the existing agreements. One standard agreement in all companies will make it much easier for customers, he says.

Tightens the rules

Aasland has previously announced that he will intensify the reactions to companies that break the regulations. There are a “disturbing” number of them, he has previously stated.

– Now we have sent this assignment to the regulatory authority (REM), which regulates the licences, and asked them to look at how the licenses can become more difficult to get and easier to lose, he says.

The answer may come before the summer, according to the minister.

– Then we will take measures in that area as well, he says.

Have to check agreements yourself

Renewable Energy Norway believes that the new standard agreement is good for both electricity customers and electricity companies.

It makes it easier to navigate the market and sharpens the competition, says Toini Løvseth, director of production and marketing at Fornybar Norge.

– When you compare apples to apples, the competition between the various suppliers becomes sharper. But they take on that challenge, she tells NTB.

At the same time, ordinary electricity customers themselves must ensure that they get the best deal, she emphasizes – and encourages everyone to check.

– It is very easy to change the electricity agreement, it is done in an instant, says Løvseth.

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