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Terelu Campos unveils her latest aesthetic touch-up and says goodbye to her complex

10/02/2019 Terelu Campos showing his most supportive side in an act of the AECC, with whom he assiduously collaborates POLITICA EUROPA ESPAÑA SOCIEDAD


There are many well-known television faces that undergo aesthetic retouching to be more embellished when it comes to being on the big screen. This Saturday we were surprised by the confession of Terelu Campos on social networks about the last aesthetic touch-up that has been done to remove one of the complexes that he had for a long time. And, although he has always assured that he does not like to undergo these techniques, it seems that Alejandra Rubio’s mother has lost her fear.

“This year I have proposed to show my arms on television! I am sick of covering myself with cardigans or blazers even in summer, so I have had a treatment at @clinicasdiegodeleon ??????? It consists of an arm lift without surgery that works with ultrasound. And it doesn’t hurt! Did you know what bat arms are? Do you like me to share my #beauty tricks? I read you ???? If you slide in my stories I will tell you everything! ” This is what Carmen Borrego’s sister has confessed on social networks.

And it is that since Terelu Campos gained weight after being diagnosed with breast cancer, the television collaborator has always explained that she does not look as good as years ago when she looks in the mirror. Although we already saw her undergo some retouching in ‘Las Campos’, she does not usually resort to these techniques, but it seems that she has finally decided to end this series of complexes that made her have insecurities in front of the cameras.

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