After months of hard work, Jonjo Hemmens, senior environment artist at Rocksteady, has unveiled the final version of Tequila Sunset, an homage to ZA/UM’s cult RPG Disco Elysium and a detailed 3D reconstruction of the protagonist’s hotel room.
Disco Elysium has become one of my favorite games, and I wanted to see what this corner would look like from a first-person perspective. As you can see from the comparison, the details are not identical to the original, because adapting a two-dimensional scene into three-dimensional space and maintaining scale is not an easy task and sometimes requires changes.
Jonjo said he used Blender, ZBrush, Substance 3D Painter/Designer, Marvelous Designer, Maya, and Unreal Engine 5 to create the scene. He also augmented the scene with assets from the original game and Megascans assets to fill in the gaps.
In addition, the artist collaborated with Jean Zudi, who demonstrated the creation of a realistic model of Harry in May. Zudi gave Hemmens the opportunity to integrate this model into the scene.
Below are some renderings and close-ups shared by the author:
Here’s a comparison of the original room and Jonjo’s recreation of it:
You can find out more about the project Here.