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Tenth Grade Singer’s Neglect of Medical Treatment due to Stinginess Revealed

It turned out that a tenth grade singer, blonde, had a tumor in the breast for years. The strange thing is that she did not treat this condition and did not perform any surgery to remove it due to her stinginess. She is content with examining the tumor manually on the basis that she understands medicine and believes that what she suffers from is a benign tumor.

The singer had previously contracted an infection in a sensitive area of ​​her body due to her extreme hygiene, and she was treated for a year for complications, but with the advice of a pharmacist and not a specialist doctor, in order to save herself the amounts of the wise man’s wages. And Moza says in front of some of her friends that the banks plundered her money in Lebanon, and she actually does not own a penny on Lebanese soil, and all her money is abroad.

2023-09-02 10:17:08

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