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Tensions Rise as Diplomatic Leaders Visit North and South Korea Amid Suspicions of Arms Trade with Russia


As the situation on the Korean Peninsula becomes more urgent due to suspicions of close arms trade between North Korea and Russia, diplomatic leaders from the United States, Japan, China, and Russia are visiting North and South Korea one after another.

In addition, a summit meeting between China and Russia will be held in the middle of this month, and it is interesting to see whether North Korea, China, and Russia will bond together as security cooperation between Korea, the United States, and Japan is strengthened.

This is reporter Shin Hyeon-jun’s report.


The security landscape of the Korean Peninsula has changed dramatically due to the close military cooperation between the leaders of North Korea and Russia.

North Korea is raising tensions by declaring its nuclear force policy in its constitution and saying it will build an anti-American alliance.

[조선중앙TV (9월 28일) : 책임적인 핵보유국으로서 나라의 생존권과 발전권을 담보하고 전쟁을 억제하며 지역과 세계의 평화와 안정을 수호하기 위하여 핵무기 발전을 고도화한다는….]

Meanwhile, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will visit Pyongyang this month.

He will meet with North Korean Foreign Minister Choe Son-hui to discuss follow-up measures for the North Korea-Russia summit, and arms trade and military technology transfer are expected to be on the table.

A China-Russia summit is also scheduled during the Belt and Road Summit Forum to be held in Beijing, China in the middle of this month.

When Russian President Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping meet, they are expected to discuss whether China will join in solidarity between North Korea and Russia.

In response to this, it is expected that US Secretary of State Tony Blinken will visit Korea early next month.

While attending the G7 foreign ministers’ meeting in Tokyo, Japan, he is expected to stop by Korea and meet with Foreign Minister Park Jin to discuss ways to respond to the growing threat of North Korea’s nuclear weapons.

A meeting of the foreign ministers of Korea, Japan, and China will also be held in Busan next month, and the North Korean issue is expected to be addressed as a major issue in the bilateral talks between Korea, China, and Korea.

[박원곤 / 이대 북한학과 교수 : 9월부터 시작해서 10월, 11월까지 외교무대가 활발하게 움직이는 그런 상황이라고 판단되고요. 한미일은 북한 위협에 대한 대응, 또 우크라이나 전쟁에 대한 북러 간의 협력 그런 부분들에 대해서 한미일 3국의 협력을 공고화하는….]

As the international situation diversifies due to the competition for hegemony between the U.S. and China and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine amid North Korea’s increasing threat of provocations, the diplomatic battles surrounding these issues are becoming more intense.

This is Hyunjun Shin of YTN.

Video Editing: Jiyeon Kim

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2023-10-08 23:27:00

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