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Tensions around Covid-19: an employee of a vaccination center “violently attacked”

An employee of the Munster vaccination center (Haut-Rhin) was “violently attacked” on Friday by three people, the Haut-Rhin prefecture announced on Saturday and the Grand Est Regional Health Agency (ARS). Wounded “in the stomach, in the brow bone, in the thigh and in the hand”, he was prescribed three days of total incapacity for work (ITT), specified the prosecutor of the Republic of Colmar, Catherine Sorita -Minard.

A flagrant investigation was opened on Saturday for “violence in meetings with a weapon and with premeditation”. The investigations were entrusted to the research section of the Colmar gendarmerie to “identify the attackers and their motivations”, detailed the prosecutor, adding that the victim was attacked “for a reason currently unknown, but which seems to be linked to » his « activities within the center ».

The victim is not in serious condition

The facts occurred when the vaccination center closed, around 8 p.m. on Friday, explained the magistrate, according to whom the victim was not in serious condition.

The prefect of Haut-Rhin and the director general of ARS Grand Est denounced “an unacceptable act”. “Nothing can justify such violence,” they said in a joint statement. A psychological cell will be set up “if necessary”, they further indicated.

According to them, the vaccination centers “are the subject of permanent attention” by the police. “This mobilization will continue,” they warned.

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